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September 12th, 2024

Failure to Launch? or Failure to Let Go? with Jack Stoltzfus

  1. Failure to Launch? or Failure to Let Go? with Jack Stoltzfus Boom With A Bang! 1:03:35

Jack Stoltzfus works with young adults who fail to launch or later return to “the nest”, and with parents who have a difficult time letting go, all the while making sure they maintain a positive, caring relationship.

In this episode, Jack explains:

  • What’s changed: we couldn’t wait to get gone from our familial home, that’s often not the case today.
  • Helicopter parents
  • How a definition of “success” could well differ between parent and young adult
  • Parental guilt
  • How difficulties can breed resilience
  • Don’t push them out, pull them out and how volunteerism helps with that
  • The statistic that one in four young adults cut off communication with parents

It’s a serious subject for those who are in the middle of it, but Jack lightens it up with a few personal anecdotes.  Watch for his upcoming book The Launch Code: Loving and Letting Go of Our Adult Children.

Find Jack at https://parentslettinggo.com/

Learn more about Jack and find all his links at https://boomwithabang.com/the-boomer-womans-podcast-jack-stoltzfus/





I’ve probably done most of the things you expect a woman my age to have done: married and divorced; three children; variety of jobs over the years including a couple of home-based businesses and, finally, a pretty good career; gave up that career (and home and life) to move and take care of a dementing mother; adult daughter moved back home with a baby; financial struggles; sucker-punched by the post-2007 economy. You tell a similar story.

My podcast is for Boomer Women. A variety of subjects, a variety of viewpoints... and open to suggestions if I'm not covering a topic you want to hear about.


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