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HOST JACKIE TANTILLO – She Made me Feel Loved, Protected and Secure with Guest Children’s Book Author Gramps Jeffrey

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HOST JACKIE TANTILLO - She Made me Feel Loved, Protected and Secure with Guest Children's Book Author Gramps Jeffrey
  1. HOST JACKIE TANTILLO - She Made me Feel Loved, Protected and Secure with Guest Children's Book Author Gramps Jeffrey 24:03




As I mention in the introduction of my show, Gramps Jeffrey, I believe is the first grandfather I’ve interviewed on SHLTMM, so that’s pretty great. I was so happy to hear how engaged he is with his grandchildren.

Gramps’ mother’s name was Faye  and she really left quite an impression on him and his brother.  Faye was the youngest of 3 children, with two older brothers. Growing up during the Depression and  WWII, known as The Greatest Generation, was a very challenging time, “and my mother lived up to every expectation”, continues Gramps.

While raising her two boys, she  insisted they turn off the tv and read-no if, ands or buts. “We loved our mother,” says Gramps, referring to him and his brother. They grew up in a small town in Ohio, about 50 miles outside Columbus,  where they were free to play outside and knew when to come home in time for dinner. He had relatives nearby as well, including  lots of love and support from his grandmother and uncle.

Gramps brags, “mom always had a positive attitude.  Her glass was always half full  and she was always looking at the ‘bright side of life.”  That philosophy  and her passion of reading certainly influenced Gramps and his interest in writing.  It’s clearly stayed with him even today because he continues to write and read to  his 6 grandchildren.

“Mom would remind us regularly that we were very fortunate and had a good life, but that we can’t forget other people. This world is hard and she knew it,” remarks Gramps.  Faye had learned many life lessons from her paternal grandmother who lost her husband suddenly when he was only 49. She was left  to raise her  children  on her own, including Fay’s dad. She also raised her nephew who had also lost his parents. But her grandmother was always smiling regardless of her hardships.

Gramps Jeffrey is very concerned about the different parenting styles  today. Most concerns him most and feels is most important for every child is ‘one on one attention’ from the parent. Gramps feels so blessed to have had such a devoted mother, and hopes that parents still take the time to put the phone down, turn the computer off and just sit and read or spend that precious time with your children.

Gramps’ mom gave him such a sense of Security. “We could always go home and feel secure, you felt love, you felt protected,” remarks Gramps about his mom. One of his mom’s favorite quotes was “when you love, you will teach others how to love.”

Gramps Jeffrey is truly committed to sharing this message. He’s got every little child on his mind in hopes that they get all the loving that they truly deserve.

Gramps Jeffrey is his pen name. His real name is Marc Joseph. Here is a link to his LinkedIn profile:


Reviews of I Don’t Want to Turn 3

Here are links to the site, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and the book on Amazon and Barnes & Noble:







Firebird Book Award Winner

Mom’s Choice Award Winner

Gramps Jeffrey’s children’s book, I Don’t Want to Turn 3, explores what goes through a toddler’s mind that parents are so desperate to understand. It is based on the true experiences he has had with his 6 grandchildren that were born 2 each to his 3 Millennial daughters.

Gramps Jeffrey is the pen name for Marc Joseph whose first book The Secrets of Retailing…How to Beat Wal-Mart was written to help entrepreneurs and small businesses compete against the big guys. Arianna Huffington read his book and asked him to contribute to the Huffington Post. He has written over 100 articles about small businesses, education, the homeless and several other nonprofit topics dear to all of us.

Gramps and his lovely wife Cathy live in Scottsdale, Arizona where 2 of his grandchildren live. 2 more live in Austin, Texas and 2 in Orlando, Florida.


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