The horrific bicycle accident that almost killed Ron gold 11 years ago changed the course of his life.
The out of control car that hit Ron while riding his bicycle left him in a coma for a period of time and in intensive care for 2 months.
Once out of the coma and stable enough to leave the hospital, he was transferred to a rehabilitation hospital where he remained until he completed the in-patient rehabilitation course of treatment. Of course, Ron had continuing physical and medical needs and challenges, many of which were extensive. What Ron and his wife discovered was that the guidelines in the traditional home health care system were limiting his ability to have his needs met in the most expeditious and financially expedient fashion.
This prompted Ron and his wife to develop a system that bypasses some of the guidelines that traditional home health care agencies need to follow.
Ron found a solution that changes how families hire home health aides. As someone who needs home care himself each day, Ron’s answer was to create LeanOnWe, a managed marketplace that allows families to find, employ, and manage experienced and highly recommended caregivers outside of the traditional home health care system.Ron and his wife, Betsy, conceived of the idea, and then brought on the team to execute it. He raised the initial funding and developed the marketing channels and industry partners.
Today LeanOnWe successfully serves families in New York and New Jersey, and is broadening their reach by partnering with other companies who help provide care for people in need.