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MoneyMattersUSA® with Fred Saide

Fred Saide ( From Independent Podcaster)

Fred Saide discusses proper planning to and through retirement. His goal is to provide information on financial matters related to planning a successful retirement. Fred discusses everything from saving strategies pre-retirement to building income and realizing the proper growth and protection necessary in retirement.

148 episodes
Most Recent Episodes

Fred Saide discusses the challenges and changes in retirement planning, focusing on the impact of Social Security, healthcare, the Secure Act, and inflation. He highlights the strain on Social...

In this episode, Fred Saide provides a comprehensive overview of annuities, their relevance in retirement planning, and the different types of annuities available. He discusses the importance of...

Fred Saide discusses the challenges and statistics related to retirement planning, longevity, market volatility, and the unique challenges faced by women in retirement. He also addresses the...

In this conversation, Fred Saide discusses retirement surprises and how to navigate them. He emphasizes the importance of understanding Medicare and making informed choices about healthcare coverage....

Fred clears up some misconceptions about retirement including how much you’ll spend, how long your retirement may be, believing you can live off less, when you’ll retire, and how much your tax...

In this conversation, Fred Saide discusses various economic and financial headlines, including the market forecast, inflation concerns, and the impact of longevity on retirement planning. He shares...

In this episode, Fred Saide provides tips for boosting retirement savings for individuals who may have started late. He discusses catch-up contributions for individuals over 50, the importance of...

In this episode, Fred Saide discusses the importance of communication and agreement between spouses when it comes to financial planning for retirement. He emphasizes the need for both spouses to be...

Fred discusses common retirement mistakes and debunks myths about retirement planning. The conversation covers topics such as trying to beat the market, the dangers of keeping all your money in cash,...

Fred debunks some bad and questionable financial advice that is prevalent with the advent of social media.  He counters with knowledge and experience in the financial industry opinions on the...

In this conversation, Fred discusses the economic landscape and challenges of retirement planning. He highlights the impact of inflation, government spending, and deficits on retirement savings. Fred...

In this podcast episode, Fred Saide discusses the idea of early retirement and the things you need to know before retiring early. He emphasizes the importance of considering time, money, and health...

In this episode, Fred Saide discusses taxes in retirement and provides insights into creating tax efficiency. He explains the taxation of retirement income sources, including Social Security...

In this podcast episode, Fred Saide discusses the importance of tax optimization strategies in retirement planning. He highlights the limitations of traditional tax planning and emphasizes the...

In this conversation, Joe Peters, a residential real estate agent joins Fred Saide. He discusses various aspects of the housing market. He shares his transition from a technology career to real...

In this episode, Fred Saide discusses the worst retirement advice you could follow and offers alternative positive strategies. The conversation covers various topics, including the danger of ignoring...

In this conversation, Fred Saide discusses the importance of having a written plan for retirement and the need for a comprehensive checklist. He emphasizes the significance of budgeting,...

In this episode, Fred Saide discusses how football strategies can be applied to retirement planning. He emphasizes the importance of the financial red zone, which is the transition period before and...

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