1. How does emotional intelligence and human resources help business leaders?: Hina Nasar Sadouzai Dr. Constance Leyland 54:49

Calling all HR professionals and emotional intelligence enthusiasts! 🤝 Are you ready to take your HR game to the next level and foster a harmonious workplace environment? Look no further! We are thrilled to present an incredible audio event focused on emotional intelligence in human resources.

Let’s welcome our dear sister from Pakistan, Hina Nasar Sadouzi, and her amazing thoughts and take on emotional intelligence and HR connections.

Connect with her here.


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Constance Leyland Host of Level Up Podcast

I am a serial educator, opportunities designer, and a compassionate leader. I am a professor in business for a decade. I own my own business creating programs for professional development bridging the gap between theories you learn in college and the real world skills needed to be employed. I also run my podcast which can be heard in 42 nations and counties as of today. I am #121 listened to in Apple podcast out of 2.4 million. I am in 13 distribution channels as of today.