1. New Perspectives from Caregiving with Matt Perrin - Caregiver Spotlight Elizabeth Miller 58:44

Matt Perrin spent eight and a half years surrounded by dementia as a member of the Sandwich Generation. He was caring for his mother, Rosemary, who was living with Alzheimer’s Disease. And simultaneously helping his wife Lindsay care for her father, Steve, who was living with Lewy Body Dementia. Steve lived in Matt and Lindsay’s home with their three girls and dog. Matt’s lived experience gave him a new professional purpose and unlocked a passion for creating that he never knew he had. He found solace in writing and continued his practice with his popular weekly email series.

In this episode, we discuss unearned Caregiver guilt, win/win perspectives, social connections that led to being in a documentary, and new career paths inspired by caregiving.

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Elizabeth Miller Happy Healthy Caregiver