In this week’s laughs, gasps and gaffes: Erin’s hanging out with David Beckham (?!) we both have eye-opening medical stories (gotta love being 50+) and doing that thing that scares you every day…for a MONTH. Listen free thanks to and And visit us at Have a look at our #Queenager T’s, and arty hearty pendants/earrings while you’re there. #doctors #Menopause #election
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Take two radio pals who've lived long enough to know better (but sometimes don't), have gained wisdom, dropped some filters and just want to talk with you about...everything and you have Gracefully and Frankly. Erin and Lisa share personal takes on their AND your experiences, hot topics and a lot of love. Made possible by Use the promo code GF for 10% off all purchases. Presented by Use the promo code GF for 10% off all online purchases. Email Erin and Lisa to have your say: or check out: GracefullyandFrankly on Facebook. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.