Rather than standing before a church full of people, Hugh’s pulpit was his keyboard and he has impacted far more people that way than he could have by confining his skills to a single church.
The baby boomer generation has had tremendous impact on the world their entire lives. It’s sad to think that influence is being reduced because people in that generation are not investing their...
Prior to the accident, Jason was working 70 to 80 hours per week. After the brush with death, he has reprioritized his life so he can be more involved and present in the lives of people he loves.
Becoming an author was a new direction for Amy’s life, but her life changed profoundly after she started sending handwritten, personalized letters of encouragement to people, especially her 580...
After helping his daughter overcome a 30-year addiction, Robert wrote a book explaining what keeps addicts addicted, and why parents should never give up hope.
Jeffrey Barnes teaches people about the wisdom displayed by Walt Disney. He and his wife, Lindsey, who is 38 years younger than he is, also teach people how to make an age-gap marriage work.
Rather than setting up tours visiting 10 countries in 10 days, Mary prefers to offer immersive experiences to a few areas so travelers truly enjoy the culture of those places.
After a boyfriend criticized her writing, Wendy threw away everything she wrote, but a smoldering wick remained. Years later, a pastor admonished Wendy by telling her to never throw away a gift God...
Tepe encourages others to try motorcycling because she said wind therapy is great for the soul. Just riding in the open has a peaceful and calming effect.
As she gets older, Michelle is not afraid to try new things – even if they are way out of her comfort zone – like writing a book and running a campground.
Laura practices what she calls a simple, gentle version of yoga that is much slower in motion and ideally suited to help people over 50 to remain more flexible as they get older.
Gail's book conveys the message that if she can overcome the curveballs life threw at her, so can anyone else. She also addressed the need to live with passion and purpose.
Joel suggests seasoned citizens can leave a financial legacy for their children and grandchildren that is more about advice than actual gifts of money.
Pam doesn’t make any money from her website, podcast or Facebook group. It is truly a passion of love in wanting to help strengthen and encourage younger women.
Sometimes the buildings Colleen creates are models of dream homes clients would love to own, or they are recreations of places they lived in the past. She also helps graduate students complete their...
Angelia knew she didn't need someone else's approval to have value in herself. Nor did she need to scale back her ambitions just because it meant other people were uncomfortable with her using her...
Changing careers invigorated her by instilling a renewed sense of purpose in her life. The more Gwen involved herself with that new purpose, the more passionate she became.
Jacquelyn And Jerry Clement came up with the business idea after realizing they both love to create, and their clients often teach things by publishing books, and they like to inspire people with...