There is a lot of public anger towards nine Democratic Party Senators for helping Republicans pass a funding bill into law in mid-March. In this episode, we examine the details of the funding law in order to understand the deceptions that lead to that anger. Americans are being played.
Jennifer Briney started paying attention to world events while studying in Germany in the spring of 2003 when the United States overthrew the government of Iraq. After experiencing the war from outside the United States, she started asking questions about her government. Every answer led to fifty more questions. This led to a thirst for information that she is still unable to quench.
Over the years, the feeling like she was the only person paying attention to this information was making Jen insane so in late 2012, she launched Congressional Dish in order to share the information, to have an emotional outlet for dealing with the discoveries, and to create a community of people who were interested in Congress’s effect on our lives. Congressional Dish is now her full-time career, thanks entirely to the support from our growing community of producers from all over the world. is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.