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May 8th, 2023 Mature Content

Episode 35 – Rep. Marla Brown and Open Primary Elections

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Matthew DowlingEpisode 35 – Rep. Marla Brown and Open Primary Elections
  1. Episode 35 – Rep. Marla Brown and Open Primary Elections Matthew Dowling 38:42

This week, on Commonalities, we are joined by Rep. Marla Brown, a Republican member of the Pennsylvania House. With more than three decades of expertise in the private sector, Marla was chosen to serve the 9th Legislative District in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives starting in 2023. She is determined to make progress in the state’s Economy, expanding possibilities for employers and employees throughout the Commonwealth and enriching educational options while respecting taxpayers.

Furthermore, Marla is committed to enhancing the openness of government, diminishing the cost of healthcare, constructing programs for the Security of our communities, and augmenting the capabilities of advanced energy economy for the benefit of residents and the future of our Commonwealth. Marla is devoted to shielding our state and national constitutions and advocating for state’s rights, Second Amendment, and pro-life rights. Moreover, she is set to oppose government intervention in social experiments in our schools and homes and contends that free markets bring about freedom for people.

Moreover, Marla is resolved to act as a sturdy advocate for the inhabitants she represents in the state Legislature. Before her election, she had worked at UPS for 15 years and eventually owned a medical spa in Georgia. Additionally, she held the position of CEO with a Catholic pro-life non-profit, Pregnancy Aid Clinic, which tripled in funding and expansion within three years under her guidance. In 2018, she came back home to Lawrence County to be close to her family and lend a hand to revive her community. One of her core aims is to keep children and grandchildren from migrating away by making investments in the people and culture that make it exceptional.

Matthew Dowling Author, Host, Speaker, Personality

Matthew Dowling was born and raised in these Laurel Highlands of Pennsylvania. He calls our hills and mountains “home” – this region is where he’s chosen to build a business and a family. A husband, father, and former non-profit executive, Matt loves his community and has spent years fighting for the growth and betterment of Fayette County and Southwestern Pennsylvania. His show Commonalities focuses on finding common ground in all things including politics through uncommon conversations.


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