“It’s got to look good, sound good, look good if it is video, but it’s got to sound good, good quality audio, good editing, and it’s got to have enough interesting information that people want to talk about what they heard or they have a pivotal moment or an a-ha or it changes their life. So, and that again is why I am so incredibly passionate about podcasting and just, in general, because, I don’t know if I’ve ever shared this with you, but listening to a podcast literally did change my life with a medical condition that I had.” – Traci DeForge
This episode is the second half of my conversation with founder and CEO of Produce Your Podcast and internationally recognized podcast expert Traci DeForge as we discuss the branding power of podcasts, Traci’s tips for utilizing social media, and her work with the Podcast Professionals Association.
As always, if you have questions for my guest, you’re welcome to reach out through the links in the show notes. If you have questions for me, visit audiobrandingpodcast.com where you’ll find a lot of ways to get in touch. Plus, subscribing to the newsletter will let you know when the new podcasts are available and what the newest audio chats will be about. If you’re getting some value from listening, the best ways to show your support are to share this podcast with a friend and leave an honest review. Both those things really help – and I’d love to feature your review on future podcasts.
(0:00:01) – Leveraging Podcasts for Brand Growth
The second half of our conversation starts with Traci’s explanation of how building a brand’s audio strategy differs from sustaining one, and the challenge of reaching out to an audience without sounding like a sales pitch. “[If] you can think about what’s in it for the audience, then all of the visibility, leads, and sales component happens as a residual of that,” she says about podcasts. “But the most important key is… that it’s got to look good and sound good.” We discuss how podcasts help forge a lasting connection with listeners, and how one podcast helped her overcome a lifetime of migraines. “I really, really share that story,” she tells us, “because it’s not just me going. You can change the world one voice at a time. Like that person’s voice changed my literal life and my family’s life.”
(0:07:07) – Exploring the Power of Podcasting
Our discussion focuses on the growing importance of video in podcasting and whether it’s possible to still succeed as an audio-only production, “If you are currently thinking about being an audio-only podcaster or you are thinking about starting an audio podcast,” Traci says, “absolutely yes, yes, yes, you do need to start the audio podcast or keep the audio podcast.” She explains how much social media algorithms have evolved just over the last year, and her advice for building an audience. “Use the video for shorts,” she suggests. “Use it for shorter segments, use it for social media clips. Use it for that, because if you’re not doing that, that is what’s going to leave you behind.”
(0:15:43) – The Power of Sound in Podcasting
As we wrap up our conversation, Traci tells us more about how she co-founded the Podcast Professionals Association and the role it plays in helping podcasters network and strategize in a quickly changing market. “We have two virtual events a month,” she explains, “where people can connect and have conversations about how they price their business challenges in the industry. How are you facing AI? What happens if you lose a big client? How are you changing your prices?” We also talk about what sets the power of sound apart, including the unique intensity it can spark for listeners. “When you’re fearful and your voice, like, shakes,” Traci says, “like, that’s so authentic and so, it’s just, to me, it is the absolute extension of human emotion, no matter what that emotion is.”
Episode Summary
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Editing/Production by Humberto Franco – https://humbertofranco.com/
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