“Where to?” she asks herself.
For years, I’ve wanted to know the answer to this question. What would I do with all my free time once I no longer had deadlines and commitments? Would I go “totally ’round the bend” as my Australian friend, Bernice, used to say. Would I diligently take up one of the many causes I am drawn to and make it my life’s work? Would I start a business, write another novel, or just flake out and start sleeping 12 to 14 hours a day? Possibly all of the above?
On 2/29/24 I leapt into my future, joining the ranks of the recently retired. I can’t say I’ve fully embraced my newfound freedom yet. I still retain a lot of the ticks and knee-jerk reactions resulting from full-time Employment — y’all who are still hitting the snooze button every morning know what I mean — but I’m a list-maker, perhaps my single greatest strength, and if I put it on the list there’s an extremely high likelihood it’s going to happen. So off I go to make a series of lists, today, next month, next year, next decade — my “Where to?” lists — because the act of writing it down is the only way I can assure myself that my Act 3 will be worth writing home about.
I’m starting here on my blog — oh, honey, you’ve been too long in the shadows! — where I can flex and stretch my writing muscles. After that, who knows?
If you want to read more about the band Celestial, you can do so here. I love the combination of East meets West that seems present in all their music. Perfect for daydreaming. Give it a listen and let me know your answer to “Where to?”
Thanks for stopping by.
Pam Lazos – 3.19.24 — Spring Equinox
Originally Published on https://greenlifebluewater.earth/feed/