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Embracing Change in the New Year

Embracing Change-Deborah Johnson

The new year offers a prime opportunity for embracing change due to its inherent symbolism of fresh beginnings and renewed energy. But change can be hard! As the calendar resets for a new year, it signifies a chance for us to mentally reset, setting new goals and intentions. As we celebrate a new year, there is a certain amount of motivation and optimism as we reflect on our lives and imagine new beginnings. Some look to make changes physically by getting in shape.

Some want to make a change in their work, financial outlook or location. No matter what change, it takes a certain mindset of determination, tenacity and optimism to create positive transformations. Resolutions alone fail. Statistics reveal that 9-12% of people keep New Year’s resolutions or at least are confident of their success. However, this is a time to create a supportive environment for encouragement and accountability for ourselves and others around us.

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Women at Halftime by Deborah Johnson

Embracing Change in the New Year with Deborah Johnson


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