Tuesday - September 24th, 2024
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Joey Havens

Get The Holiday Season Popping &Raquo; Unknown 3 E1702440232423 300X225 1

Get the Holiday Season Popping

CeCe and I are hosting our family two weekends before Christmas at our cabin near Eagle Lake. All eight grandkids are here and it has been real — it has been fun, but I’m not sure it’s still real fun! LOL! Lots of energy and joyful voices from sunrise to after sunset. We are so […]

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When Good Intentions Go Bad &Raquo; Shutterstock 565266475 300X204 1

When Good Intentions Go Bad

Our good pal, Father Albeen has been left as the last option for the 7 a.m. livestream mass, which also has a church full of parishioners. It’s basically the Oscars of our parish but with less red carpet and more Hail Marys. The original headliner for the day has messed up his timekeeping and now […]

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How To Calm Down Quickly &Raquo; Shutterstock 1702088599 300X200 1

How to Calm Down Quickly

We saw quite the spectacle on the third day of our fly fishing escapade on the mighty Missouri River. Two revelers, clearly having started their party brightly and early, were making quite the ruckus on the boat ramp. One of our newfound friends was clutching an almost empty wine bottle as if it were a […]

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Who’s Up For A Thanksgiving Challenge? &Raquo; Shutterstock 493381651 300X200 1

Who’s up for a Thanksgiving Challenge?

Well, here we are again, my fellow food enthusiasts, in that glorious time of the year when we hide our scales and drown our worries in gravy and pie. It’s Thanksgiving, the stretchy-pants holiday, and boy, do we have a lot to be grateful for this year. Remember last Thanksgiving? We were all busy being […]

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Simple And Direct &Raquo; Shutterstock 157536494 300X200 1

Simple and Direct

“Make your cast directly overhead,” says our fishing guide after my feeble side-arm cast was blown back in my face with the 25 mph wind. “I know it’s counterintuitive with the wind blowing, but if you cast directly overhead, your cast will go further and straighter in this wind, and the flies will land softer […]

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Friends And Special People &Raquo; Shutterstock 2353676669 300X169 1

Friends and Special People

Today, I’m waking up at the Bartz River House near Cascade, Montana, as the guest of one of my best friends, Tim Bartz. The coffee aroma has filled every nook and cranny as my taste buds light up with anticipation. I’m not sure what I’m more eager for — the coffee or the day fly […]

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The Art Of The Humble Thank You &Raquo; Shutterstock 2159933507 E1698244904466 300X162 1

The Art of the Humble Thank You

Buckle up and let me take you on a wild ride through the concrete jungle we call highways. Stuck in a mile-long jam on a four-lane highway, I have a poor guy in the parking lot on my right side trying to make a left turn across our two lanes of traffic and into the […]

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Coaches Help Find Blind Spots &Raquo; Shutterstock 1562787703 300X200 1

Coaches Help Find Blind Spots

A dear friend and business colleague once roasted me to a large group about my coaching him on his blind spots. I cried with laughter as he described the pain of these coaching sessions. Frankly, it is painful, yet it is one of the best ways to grow as a person and a professional. I’m […]

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What Do We Control? &Raquo; Shutterstock 2205904647 300X200 1

What Do We Control?

“Pops you are overreacting,” says Davis my 17-year-old grandson.  He helps me manage my fantasy football team and it’s Tuesday morning after week one.  We lost all three games we played in.  We are 0-3 to start the season and I’m pretty sure we have the lowest score of all the teams. Davis, we need […]

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