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Janine Bolon

Your Life Of Joy! 7-Steps To Bring It In 2017! &Raquo; Logo

Your Life of Joy! 7-Steps to BRING IT in 2017!

New Year’s Eve is fast approaching for those of us who use the Gregorian Calendar and here I sit for the 29th year in a row, pen in hand, writing down my annual goals. I’m thinking, “Bring it in 2017!” Shocked? I sure was when asked by a friend how long I had been writing […]

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The Money Muse Is Now On Radio! &Raquo; Logo

The Money Muse is Now on Radio!

It took awhile, but finally, after several years of work, encouragement from students and harassment from friends (thanks, Bryan and Ruth) I am lucky enough to be hosting a radio show called “Power Women.” The show is designed to inspired and help women rise to their full potential despite their already packed “to-do-lists.” Learn tips, […]

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Credit Or Debit? How To Run A Business Via Plastic &Raquo; Logo

Credit or Debit? How to Run a Business via Plastic

Over the last 15 years I’ve been asked a lot of questions about money. But there are some that I get asked again, and again, and again…I’m thrilled to have a blog so that I can post answers and then just refer folks to the particular article that they need. However, with the economy bouncing […]

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Busting The Top Three Diet Myths With Cheryl Dolven &Raquo; Logo

Busting the Top Three Diet Myths with Cheryl Dolven

Last week on my radio show (Power Women) I had a guest that made the chemist in me smile that really geeky smile. Her name is Cheryl Dolven and she works as the Director of Nutrition Marketing for the Kellogg Company. Our lives happened to intersect due to a marketing campaign that was being done […]

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Pay Off Your Credit Cards With Simplicity &Raquo; Logo

Pay Off Your Credit Cards with Simplicity

When I get three emails on the same subject in one week, I know it is time to post a blog response. This week’s main topic is paying off the credit card debt. It seems there are lots of discussions going on in a variety of households regarding the proper way to pay off the […]

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Kellogg’s Fiberplus Bars–What A Treat! &Raquo; Logo

Kellogg’s FiberPlus Bars–What a Treat!

First off, know that this is not a “paid” endorsement. Two months ago I was given an opportunity to beta-test a new product from Kellogg’s. Their FiberPlus Bars. I was contacted by a very nice saleswoman, Martha, who asked if I was willing to participate in this product launch since I was a “frugal” mom […]

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Becoming Rich With Tiny Steps Each Day! &Raquo; Logo

Becoming Rich with Tiny Steps each Day!

This week I read two things that so inspired me, I just had to share them with you. The first one was a quote that I saw from Helen Keller. “I long to accomplish a great and noble task, but it is my chief duty to accomplish humble tasks as though they were great and […]

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Sexy Broads Talking Cash &Raquo; Logo

Sexy Broads Talking Cash

Last night I played hooky from putting kids to bed (Thank you, spouse!) to participate in a fun event with just “the girls.” I was asked by Laura Nickerson, BroadTopicsRadio host, to join her and three of her buddies to chat about money. Their show was called, “Let’s Get Fiscal” and as their intro music […]

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Calming Your Stress About Money &Raquo; Logo

Calming Your Stress about Money

Money! Sometimes just speaking the word is enough to set your teeth on edge. Most people find that cash flow is the primary reason for the stress in their lives. Whether it is due to a lost job, inadequate pay, unexpected bills, or the recession’s impact on your business, we are all experiencing the pinch […]

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