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Deborah Johnson

Maximizing Your Potential &Raquo; Maximizing Your Potential Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Maximizing Your Potential

Some of you remember how the Sony Walkman made listening to recordings conveniently easy and is a good example of maximizing your potential. It was revolutionary to listen on a portable cassette player and the Walkman happened because Masaru Ibuka and Norio Ohga took the risk to revolutionize the way people listened to music. Sony […]

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From Military To Civilian-Navigating Change &Raquo; Navigating Change Deborah Johnson 150X150 1

From Military to Civilian-Navigating Change

Navigating change from a military to civilian life is often challenging, and Josh Porthouse’s personal experience mirrors this sentiment. Josh encountered unexpected difficulties along the way. One notable aspect was underestimating his own capabilities and the demanding nature of his transition, a miscalculation that persisted even before joining the Marines. Surprisingly, after multiple deployments to […]

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Develop Mental Endurance &Raquo; Mental Endurance Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Develop Mental Endurance

To develop mental endurance takes a mindset of tenacity and perseverance. When listening to the book Endurance by Alfred Lansing, I found myself so enraptured in the story that I had to turn on the heater in my car as I was getting cold, as the book described the frigid temperatures the crew experienced as […]

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Embracing Change In The New Year &Raquo; Embracing Change Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Embracing Change in the New Year

The new year offers a prime opportunity for embracing change due to its inherent symbolism of fresh beginnings and renewed energy. But change can be hard! As the calendar resets for a new year, it signifies a chance for us to mentally reset, setting new goals and intentions. As we celebrate a new year, there […]

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From Junkie’s Daughter To Unstoppable Women With Stephanie Dauble &Raquo; Unstoppable Woman Stephanie Dauble 1024 X 683 150X150 1

From Junkie’s Daughter to Unstoppable Women with Stephanie Dauble

To be an unstoppable woman is to live with an unwavering determination to overcome challenges and obstacles and it’s what characterizes Stephanie Dauble’s life. As a junkie’s daughter, she’s had to possess immense resilience, refusing to be deterred by setbacks or failures. It has been far from easy and only recently has she been able […]

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Purposeful Planning For A New Year &Raquo; Purposeful Planning Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Purposeful Planning for a New Year

Purposeful planning when looking toward a new year involves setting clear intentions and goals to guide our actions and decisions throughout the upcoming twelve months. It’s a deliberate and thoughtful process that takes into account personal values, aspirations, and the lessons learned from the past year. This type of purposeful planning encourages us to identify […]

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Making Gift Giving Fun &Raquo; Gift Giving Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

Making Gift Giving Fun

Gift-giving is more than just the exchange of items; it’s about creating appreciation and fostering cherished memories. In the midst of a world where thoughtful gestures often take a backseat, the essence of gifting lies in making someone feel truly valued. It’s not merely about handing over random tokens; it’s about understanding the recipient’s genuine […]

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How To Measure True Success &Raquo; True Success Deborah Johnson 1024 X 683 150X150 1

How to Measure True Success

The feeling of true success often eludes even the highly skilled professionals in fields of music, art, acting and athletics. Part of the reason is because of the emphasis on incorrect measurement of genuine accomplishment. While material wealth and awards hold their appeal, they often fail to provide true and lasting satisfaction. Another contributing factor […]

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