Unlocking the Power of Words: A Journey to Self-Talk Mastery
- Unlocking the Power of Words: A Journey to Self-Talk Mastery Matthew Gray - 50TastesOfGray 1:03:34
In this episode of 50 Tastes Of Gray, “Unlocking the Power of Words with Laura Burkey: A Journey to Self-Talk Mastery” I chat with Laura Burkey, a seasoned Thought, Behavior, and Communication Coach, to explore the transformative power of words and self-talk. Since 1996, Laura has been helping individuals achieve personal fulfillment through authentic expression and the intentional use of language.
Join us for a warm and engaging conversation as we dive into Laura’s mission to illuminate the hidden power of self-talk, encouraging a more empowering way of speaking to oneself. Discover how your words can pave your way to personal and professional success with insights from Laura’s extensive experience as a coach, speaker, writer, trainer, and mentor.
#PowerOfWords #LifeCoaching #wordsmatter