Prepare to Win Life’s Game Plan for Success!
Do you feel prepared for the things life throws at you. You know preparation is what leads to success in life. This week on the True Man Podcast—I dive deep into the heart and soul of what it means to be a man. This week, we’re talking preparation—the blueprint to success in every area of your life.
It’s football season, and no team shows up to the big game without a game plan. Preparation is everything—on the field and in life. If you want success in your career, finances, health, and even your spiritual journey, you can’t wing it.
The great Zig Ziglar said, ‘If you don’t have a plan, you’re planning to fail.’ So, whether it’s building your career, leading your family, or growing spiritually, it’s all about putting in the work."
Don’t wing it in life—get prepared. Take my free wheel of life assessment at and start planning your life today!"
Join me on the podcast and learn how preparation is the key to unlocking your best life. Let’s get ready for greatness! #truemanpodcast #startyourcomebackstory
Contact Mike Van Pelt:
(864) 266- 2058
Order Mike’s latest collaboration book:
Cracking The Rich Code
Pre Order Mike’s new book:
True Man True Ways, A Roadmap of Discovery to the Masculine Heart
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