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5 Extraordinary Methods to Make the Transition Towards a More Positive Attitude

5 Extraordinary Methods To Make The Transition Towards A More Positive Attitude &Raquo; Image Asset 4


Let me tell you a little secret: your mind is a magnet. The experiences you have are a direct reflection of the concepts you entertain. Why not choose positivity instead, and allow the magic to start working for you? As someone who is passionate about preventing burnout in the job and improving workplace culture, I’ve witnessed firsthand how adopting a more optimistic outlook can completely change people’s lives. The question now is, how can you put this power to use? Let’s plunge in!

1. Recognize the Strength in Being Thankful

Have you ever noticed how your mood shifts when you start noticing the good things in your life? If so, this might be something you’ve experienced before. Gratefulness is comparable to a magical elixir that may transform the mundane into the spectacular. It’s not about turning a blind eye to the problems; rather, it’s about keeping one’s attention on the positives. Start a thankfulness diary, or just take a few minutes out of each day to reflect on the things in your life for which you are grateful. You are going to be astounded by the change in your frame of mind.

2. Plant the Seeds of Positivity in Your Mind by Reciting Affirmations

What if I told you that via the power of words, you could alter the story that has been told about you? Affirmations are positive remarks that can assist you in overcoming beliefs that are detrimental to your success. Repetition of affirmations such as “I am confident” and “I attract good things into my life” can be quite powerful. Keep in mind that your brain is like an echo chamber; it only believes the things you tell it. Therefore, why not give it some reasons to be optimistic?

3. Engage in Frequent Physical Activity to Improve Your Mood

Did you know that keeping your body active is similar to taking your thoughts for a joyride? Endorphins are substances in the brain that work as natural mood boosters. Physical activity helps to stimulate the production of these endorphins. Find anything that gets you moving, whether it be a brisk walk, Yoga, or going to the gym, and make that a regular part of your routine. Not only does it help you maintain your physical health, but it also makes you more upbeat and optimistic.

4. Engage in mindful practices and pay attention to the here and now

Have you ever found yourself worrying about the future or dwelling on the mistakes of the past? We’ve all been in that situation. But, what do you think? You have the power to alter that by cultivating mindfulness. It is about remaining totally present and involved in the activity at hand while suspending all judgment. Experiment with straightforward tasks such as practicing mindful eating or deep breathing exercises. It is similar to giving your mind a break from the constant conversation, and believe me when I say that your mind will be grateful for the respite.

5. Surround Yourself with Good Vibes and Good Vibes Only

Do you remember the old adage that goes, “You’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with”? To be honest, you’re right. The mindsets of individuals who are around us are influenced by the energy they exude. Therefore, pick your people carefully. Put yourself in the company of people who will encourage you, motivate you, and exude a positive energy. It spreads like wildfire!


Changing to a more optimistic frame of mind is not something that can be accomplished immediately. It calls for effort on a consistent basis, but believe me when I say that the results are well worth the work. Begin on a modest scale, Exercise patience with yourself, and keep in mind that the calmest days typically follow the stormiest nights.

Now it’s up to you to plant the seeds of positivity in your life!


1. Can a good mindset be developed by anyone?

Absolutely! It is a skill that may be developed via constant practice, patient effort, and the application of the appropriate methods.

2. What should I do to take the first step toward altering the way I think?

The first step is to recognize that there is a problem that needs to be fixed. From there, you can change your thinking by employing strategies such as practicing gratitude and affirmations, engaging in physical activity and mindfulness, and surrounding yourself with positive people.

3. Does having a positive mental attitude ensure a life free of difficulties?

Absolutely not. Everyone must contend with difficulties. A positive outlook does not prevent issues from occurring, but it helps prepare you to deal with them more effectively when they do.

4. Will having a happy attitude have an effect on my physical health?

Yes! According to a number of studies, having a positive mental attitude can play a role in having better overall health, greater ability to manage stress, and even enhanced longevity.

5. Is there any evidence from science that supports the use of these methods?

A good frame of mind can be encouraged through the use of practices such as gratitude, affirmations, regular exercise, mindfulness, and maintaining positive social connections. These practices have been shown to be helpful in a variety of research settings.

Originally Published on

Michael Levitt Chief Burnout Officer

Michael D. Levitt is the founder & Chief Burnout Officer of The Breakfast Leadership Network, a San Diego and Toronto-based burnout consulting firm. He is a Keynote speaker on The Great Resignation, Quiet Quitting and Burnout. He is the host of the Breakfast Leadership show, a Certified NLP and CBT Therapist, a Fortune 500 consultant, and author of his latest book BURNOUT PROOF.

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