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Yvonne A Jones

Treat Yourself with Compassion as You Would a Friend

Being kind to yourself is showing self-compassion. Many people confuse this with self-indulgence or selfishness, and so may be critical of you when you talk about how pleased you are with your results or express your delight at having achieved a milestone. Yet, they may have no criticism when you’re quick to congratulate someone else […]

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3 Reasons Business Owners Can Benefit from Passive Income

Are you a Business Owner with an online business?  Are you a Coach or Consultant? How many streams of income do you currently have in your business? I’ll explain shortly why I’m asking the question and why it is an important question for you to think about. I walked away from Corporate America in 2006, […]

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Get Out of My Office!

“Get out of my office! And you, Yvonne, don’t EVER speak to me about a raise again.” With those words ringing in our ears, the Controller and I walked out of the office of my employer of four years, closed the door, and looked at each other in disbelief. We said nothing and then went […]

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Create Balance in Stressful Times with Conscious Heart Connection

Ilene combines more than 50 years in nursing and 25 years in vibration healing to create a holistic approach to clearing energy blocks and promoting healing. She helps an international clientele of heart-centered individuals and entrepreneurs who struggle with fear,self-sabotaging negative thoughts or behaviors, and self-worth issues to experience inner peace self-confidence, empowerment, and clarity […]

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How to Reduce Costs and Save Money During Challenging Times

During challenging times, it’s necessary to explore ways to reduce costs and save money in your small business. In my previous article, “Small Business Success: How to Thrive During Challenging Times,” I discussed three areas that are critical to dealing with challenges in your small business. They are: Mindset Clarifying the Problem Focus on Customers […]

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How I Got Help to Overcome Being an Introvert at Work

At 16 years old I was 5’10” and weighed about 145 pounds. Tall, slim, very reserved, as we said in Jamaica, but not shy.  I had no problem speaking with individuals and in front of groups of people of all demographics. I was always considered mature for my age and found many of my peers […]

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The Quake

I looked at my cousin, Cynthia, and could see the shock and disbelief in her eyes! The same look was probably reflected in mine. We both wanted to move yet it seemed as if we were glued to the spot. Should we move? Was it over? “What happened?” we seemed to be asking each other […]

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The Importance of Income in Retirement

Sara Finkelstein is a Registered Social Security Analyst and in this Wiser Women in the Spotlight Interview Series, Sarah answers two very important questions. Questions that people are often confused about, hence make decisions that may not serve them well – When is the best time to collect your Social Security? Where will your income […]

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5 Tips to Better Self-Care for the Work-From-Home Woman

Self-care is giving the world the best of you instead of what’s left of you. ~Katie Reed A few years ago I was in a coaches’ training class, which included peer-to-peer coaching. My partner and I were discussing our schedules for the next week and it was my turn. After I went through my schedule, […]

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How to Use Failure to Grow Self-Belief

Very few people on this earth will tell you that they enjoy failure.  As a result, people will do as much as they possibly can to avoid it. Failing is not fun, and it would be wonderful if we could use failure as an immediate launch pad to catapult us into success, but that’s very […]

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