Last night I met a woman who was in town to help her daughter with her grandchildren. After listening to her story, it affirmed that people don’t readily share the challenges they are having unless for some reason it comes up in conversation. It happens much more often than anyone realizes. I know for myself, […]
We’ve all had those WTF experiences. “What the fudge” is going on here? Later to be discovered that embedded in the WTF? is a powerful life lesson, the Oh my Goodness! Read these WTF to OMG journeys. You’ll be inspired to search and unpack your own OMG! Begin to compress your learning curve now!
Each author, and everyone behind the scenes, has put great effort into ensuring this book will make a positive ripple in the world. We are honored by you taking the time to read these stories and continuing to make waves by thinking big! From all of the authors: Brian Tracy, Eric Zuzack, Rasheed Louis, Babette […]
The story begins from inside the COVID19 storm which ravaged our nations nursing homes, affecting the over one million residents and the healthcare workers who are the true unsung heroes working there. It offers an on the ground perspective on how it felt inside the nursing home, especially the lack of PPE that impacted the […]
n short, a smile is the most powerful expression on earth! It is an expression of connection, positivity, and even love. When we experience a challenging day, a smile shifts our focus off the negative and towards the positive. A smile avoids the attraction of what we do not want, the limiting mindset of aloneness, […]
OVERDUE: Quality Care for OUR Elder Citizens examines how we as a culture treat our elder citizens as they continue life’s journey. The author presents the idea that Our Elder Citizens are essentially Our Future Selves, and therefore, each and every one of us should be concerned about the quality of care and quality of […]
This AM I received an email that quoted the novelist and essayist Cynthia Ozick, “We often take for granted the very things that most deserve our gratitude.” As I reflected on the relationships and people I’ve met throughout my life, but especially over the past year, I realized how truly special each and every one […]
Last night I had a conversation with Mark Victor Hansen who I briefly met last December. I met him at an event where the and his wife Crystal were presenting their book ASK. My immediate thought was that I’d love to have a conversation with Mark on my podcast SeniorsSTRAIGHTTalk. So many of us in […]
Have you noticed that your body reacts differently to foods that you ate in years prior without any issues? I noticed this.I can no longer eat green peppers, and certain combinations of some of my favorite foods seem to cause me to have heartburn. What the heck? The truth is that there is a shift […]
It may seem a silly question to ask, “What is an adventure?” because most would have a fairly good idea what that is. We most commonly think of an adventure of something exotic or exciting, a trip to an unknown place, a daring undertaking. The google definition of adventure is: an unusual and exciting, typically […]