Sunday - March 16th, 2025
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Gramps Jeffery

Why Encourage Multigenerational Reading

In a world filled with digital distractions, fostering a culture of multigenerational reading has never been more crucial. The term refers to the practice of individuals from different generations coming together to share the joy of reading. It goes beyond the conventional solitary reading experience, aiming to strengthen family bonds and create a shared love […]

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Tech-Free Parenting-Is It Possible?

Tech-free parenting refers to an approach where parents limit or eliminate the use of technology, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, and television, in their parenting practices. This approach has gained attention due to concerns about the potential negative effects of excessive screen time and digital device use on children’s physical, mental, and emotional well-being. There […]

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Why You Should Send Your Kids to Public Schools

The Founding Fathers believed that the fragile American democracy would depend on the competency of its citizens and preserving democracy would require an educated population that would understand political and social issues and would participate in civic life, vote, and protect their rights and freedoms. This is one of the reasons that legislation passed in […]

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Why is First Grade So Hard?

Introduction The transition to first grade can be a daunting experience for young children. Theacademic expectations, social interactions, and cognitive development milestones canmake it seem like quite the challenge. The transition from kindergarten to first grade is abig step for children. In kindergarten, the focus is often on play-based learning, whilefirst grade introduces more structured […]

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When Do Toddlers Grow Up?

Introduction As parents and caregivers, we eagerly await the day when our adorable infants transform intoindependent little individuals, ready to take on the world. The journey from infancy to childhood is amiraculous transformation filled with wonder and curiosity. The toddler phase typically ranges from 1to 3 years old and is characterized by rapid physical, cognitive, […]

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What Causes Sibling Rivalry?

Introduction Sibling rivalry is a common phenomenon that occurs in families with morethan one child. It refers to the competition, jealousy, and conflict that can arisebetween siblings while they vie for attention, resources, and parental affection.Understanding the underlying causes of sibling rivalry can help parents andcaregivers address these issues effectively and promote harmoniousrelationships among siblings. […]

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Who Is the Tooth Fairy? Unveiling the Mysterious Enchanter

Introduction From childhood, we’ve heard enchanting tales about the Tooth Fairy, a magical being who visits during the night to collect our lost baby teeth. But who is the Tooth Fairy exactly? For children, the arrival of the Tooth Fairy is a delightful and magical experience. The anticipation of finding a gift or money under […]

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What Is the Role of Fathers in Raising Kids Today?

In today’s rapidly changing world, the role of fathers in raising kids has evolved significantly. Gone are the days when fathers were merely seen as breadwinners and disciplinarians. The modern understanding of fatherhood recognizes the crucial influence fathers have on their children’s development and overall well-being.  The Importance of Father Involvement Emotional Development Gone are […]

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Why Do Toddlers Cry?

Introduction Toddlers, those adorable little beings in our lives, are often known for their unpredictable emotions and the ability to burst into tears at seemingly insignificant triggers. Their crying episodes can leave parents, grandparents and caregivers feeling bewildered and frustrated, desperately trying to decipher the reason behind their distress. Let’s delve into the fascinating world […]

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