1. Unstoppable Overcomers Ep# 142 Dr. Christy and Jen in a Lively Would You Rather Face-off Dorothy O'Dell 1:12:56

Welcome, unstoppable listeners, to another invigorating installment of “Unstoppable Overcomers,” where Resilience meets revelry in the journey through life’s challenges. This is your host, Dorothy O’Dell, and you’re about to tune into Episode 142, titled “Would You Rather with Dr. Christy & Jen.”

In today’s episode, we’re going from deep reflections to delightful diversions with our radiant guests. Dr. Christy, a holistic chiropractor with a niche for emotional and nutritional health – and Jen Zahari, a life coach extraordinaire, focusing on body Image and weight loss, join us to tackle some tough “Would You Rather” conundrums. Prepare for a whirlwind of laughter and learning as we ponder over preferences like dealing with roommates or cats, and face-eating vs. blending food.

We’ll take a curious detour to ponder unexpected scenarios: Would you rather get hit on in the emergency room or during a funeral? Would you jump into a hot tub of boiling soup or munch on an ice cream sandwich in a sauna? And whom would you rather snuggle up to, a snorer or a restless tosser-and-turner?

Dive into personal preferences ranging from heat vision to the empowering embrace of a naked spa experience. Discover Dr. Christy’s mushroom soup secrets and explore the simple delights of never running out of ice or snacks in your kitchen.

Our conversations span the practical to the whimsical, examining decisions around lost phones and keys, the essence of regret, and the quirky circumstance of sharing a birthday. Join us as we journey from heartfelt birthday shout-outs to honest talks on the value of eyesight and the dynamic work life of our esteemed guests.

So, buckle up and get ready to share your own “Would You Rather” picks as we venture through choices that challenge and charm us. It’s time to engage, laugh, and maybe even reassess a few things about ourselves on “Unstoppable Overcomers.” Let’s press play and leap into Episode 142 with Dr. Christy and Jen Zahari.

To connect with Dr. Christy go to: https://www.facebook.com/ChristyMatusiakDC

To Connect with Jen Zahari go to: www.jenzahari.com

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We’re are my ladies 45-60?Feeling the #overwhelm, tired of doing it all? Tired of getting overlooked, not getting that promotion at work? Tired of doing it all at home? Losing hope at times? Can’t remember the last time you had fun? Put everyone first before yourself?Saying what is self care? I get you! I see you! I was her. Doing it all, burnt out stressed out, allowing people to walk all over me. Then I unlocked the keys that I needed. And evolved into the Overcomer.

If this is you and you are wanting help changing that then please connect with us over at www.unstoppableovercomer.com/Coaching we can’t wait to work with you.

Dorothy Graham O’Dell was born and raised in Ontario, Canada. She has turned her love of books into her next career, writing them. She wrote her memoir, The Overcomer Facing Challenges with Faith and Courage, in Jan of 2021 and her second book, The Overcomer Playbook, in November 2022.
Dorothy is a keynote speaker, producer, and host of two powerful shows, The Unstoppable Overcomers on Monday nights and The Power Half Hour, Unstoppable Business Owner on Wednesdays. She believes everyone has a story and wants the world to know about you!

She also helps small businesses to be seen and heard. She loves to shine the spotlight on them and take away the painful chore of making video content for their businesses; she has a gift of putting you at ease and having your natural gifts come out.

After having a retired Air Force veteran on her show Unstoppable Overcomers on Jan. 31, 22, and learning of the massive suicide and divorce rate among our veteran and first responder community, she knew she had to step up and help these communities. Since then, she has joined several veteran organizations to help ensure that they get the help they need.