"I Got Jaded" – SFTS51
- "I Got Jaded" - SFTS51 Scot McKay 8:34
=== SNIPPETS FROM THE SUMMIT === It’s tough to experience challenges and difficulty when it comes to women. But when there’s a pattern of perceived failure, that takes the frustration to a whole new level. That’s when we as men can start feeling, well…jaded. We may even go around saying as much. But what does that even mean? In this episode, we’ll talk about how we get jaded, why it happens and most importantly how to get out of that downward spiral. What’s more, I’ll also let you in on a subtle but dangerous trick we tend to play on ourselves when we feel like victims…that only really serves to underscore our victimhood. It’s a downright evil self-inflicted setback, I tell you. More at https://mountaintoppodcast.com
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