1. 265. Melting Stress, Anxiety, & Overwhelm - Jassy Jackson Kara Goodwin 29:44

Jassy Jackson achieved her goals early – graduating from college, getting her masters, marrying, having the corner office in her corporate job. On paper, she was the epitome of success.

So why was she sobbing every day?

Her stress, anxiety, and overwhelm were off the charts, and she didn’t know why all the things she thought made her successful weren’t keeping her happy.

She discovered a secret ingredient that in a short time melted away her stress and anxiety.

She felt a deep peace and calmness she hadn’t felt in ages, and her life completely changed.

Discovering that key led her toward more ways to heal herself. She ultimately took what was changing her so much and began helping others.

Jassy is the founder of Crystal Luna, where she helps to empower others in finding their authentic selves. 





Kara Goodwin Meditation and Transformation Coach

Kara Goodwin is like a personal trainer for spiritual aspirants. She is passionate about helping those who wish to expand beyond the physical plane to tap into the wisdom and gifts within them and grow into a truer understanding of who they are. While she derives great fulfillment from swimming in mystical waters, she equally values nurturing her Earthly side through motherhood, animals, plants, and treatment-free beekeeping.