Episode 96: Dr. Eric Boyd & FairWays to Leadership®: Building Your Business Network One Round of Golf at a Time
- Episode 96: Dr. Eric Boyd & FairWays to Leadership®: Building Your Business Network One Round of Golf at a Time John M Jaramillo 55:27
Episode 96: Dr. Eric Boyd and his book with Anna Alvarez Boyd, PCC, FairWays to Leadership®: Building Your Business Network One Round of Golf at a Time
Eric is Professor Emeritus at James Madison University and associate professor of marketing at the University of Central Florida. His research on leadership has been published in leading management journals like Harvard Business Review and Advertising Age. He received his PhD in marketing from the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia and is an award-winning scholar who is recognized internationally for the innovativeness and quality of his instruction. Eric promotes leadership development and training through his work with FairWays to Leadership (FWTL), a national nonprofit he co-founded with his wife, Anna Alvarez Boyd. The mission of FairWays to Leadership is to teach leadership and networking skills to college students from diverse communities through the experience of learning to golf. Eric is also a leadership coach with Inntinnean Coaching. Eric’s coaching philosophy is that every person has innate strengths, and the use of those strengths is key to successfully leading others and oneself. Working with clients to understand their leadership strengths through reflection and assessment, Eric provides clients with a customized approach that allows them to be more effective leaders.
- Who are the people who give him checks, showing him he’s taken certain things for granted?
- “Don’t take for granted that you have confidence. Not everybody has it.”
- Being aware of your superpowers — and sharing them.
- The question that seems to sort of stop a lot of young leaders in their tracks.
- How his mom inadvertently taught him about competition.
- “OK, get the opportunity first. Then you can figure out all the details.” (Using where you want to get as your North Star.)
- What made his life richer.
- How his students’ frustrations during the Summer of 2020 led to Fairways to Leadership.
- The source of Eric’s servant leadership.
- The power of adaptability in life, leadership, and golf.
- What branding means vs. what networking
means. - “How do you bring your brand to life
for other people?” - Looking back over your past to see where you had “the zig.”
- “Networking within the family.”
The MAIN QUESTION underlying my conversation with Eric is, Which superpower, that could benefit and possibly be life-changing for others when you share it, are you overlooking?
- Website: https://fairwaystoleadership.org/
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-eric-boyd-6322274/
LinkedIn – Full Podcast Article: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7196579462459572224/
00:00 – Introduction & Bio – Dr. Eric Boyd
03:00 – Who are you today? Can you provide more information about your work?
11:38 – How did your path into your career look like, and what did it look like up until now?
25:30 – How does the work you’re doing today reconcile to who you were as a child?
26:11 – Where does your servant leadership come from
28:38 – What does leadership mean to you?
29:35 – Can you introduce us to the book we’re discussing? A breakdown of the chapters in the book.
32:47 – What do alumni of FairWays to Leadership say about their takeaways?
35:20 – How does the program work, between the classwork and golfing?
41:38 – What lessons have you taken away from the book
43:24 – How did it work out with you cowriting the book with your wife?
45:05 – What’s next for your writing?
45:36 – What book has inspired you?
49:00 – What are you up to these days? (A way for guests to share and market their projects and work.)
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