Are you solo? You’re not alone. Just look at the numbers!
Hello, I’m Carol Marak, I simplify the complexities of growing older alone.
Who exactly are solo agers? Well, we’re the aged, community-dwelling individuals who are socially and/or physically isolated, without an available known family member or designated surrogate or caregiver.
Since 1950, the number of unmarried adults (of all ages) in the U.S. has steadily climbed. It now approaches the number of married adults.
If you read the article, Solo? You’re Not Alone, ( written by my friend and colleague, Mary B. Young, you’ll see that AARP has 3 different descriptions. It starts with the narrowest definition and then expands to include additional forms of Solo-ness.
The description I like to apply, A solo ager is the person who identifies with the term, whether they have a partner or spouse, or a child who lives in another part of the world. As my friend and author of the article, Mary surmises, Solo-ness is best defined at the individual level, based on an individual’s unique circumstances. That why it’s so difficult to create an all-encompassing profile.
What I’ve found to be our most unique challenges are:
1. Lack of built-in support system
2. Increased risk of social isolation and loneliness
3. Financial and legal considerations
4. Health and Caregiving concerns
5. Emotional well-being and Mental Health
As the weeks roll by, be on the lookout for more information tackling our challenges.
Thank you for watching and stay tuned as this story unfolds.