1. Section 5: Contentment in Life 20:14
You Need to Choose Contentment
For Barbara, she said she is so blessed because there are so many people hurting and needy. I don’t need to be so anxious, and worried and frustrated and upset. I need to choose contentment.

Much like those of us that met our spouse, and we were attracted. We fell in love as they say, at least for Barbara it was pretty quick. It was not a feeling, it was a decision. Marriage isn’t easy. Being with another person isn’t easy. But if you’re going to stay with someone for a long time, you make a commitment. For her, she’s making a commitment to contentment.

It’s Kind of Disappointing
As we were approaching Thanksgiving was all of us were kind of upset, because we weren’t gonna be able to see our family members. We all shared that each one of us as a couple would be the first time in our lives, that we would just be the two of us. And as those days approached, Barbara was kind of upset. It’s like wait a second, we don’t get to see our kids and our family.

Again in Washington State which Barbara wrote about it in her 1-year journey into Retirement blog. COVID cases just shot up like a rocket ship, and they’re still going up. So her children made the call, they said mom, dad, it’s not safe, so we’re not coming.

But It was Kind of a Blessing
Barbara and her husband could have gone to different places. But they decided for the first time to stay home. It was a blessing to her because usually, her husband is watching football games on TV with the guys. She did miss what she calls the hen house, where the gals in her family were very loud and very talkative. Also, there’s usually wine around the island and they’re all cooking.

But this time, her husband prepared the whole meal with her and that was very, very different. The fact that was just the two of them, it was so quiet. It was a blessing. But Barbara knows that someday, hopefully, next year, we’ll have the raucous, loud Thanksgiving holiday.

What Barbara wants to remember is 2020 was the year that it was just her and her husband. So that fit into some of her contentment as well.

Be Happy and Contented
Remind yourself that the grass is always greener on the other side. Contentment does not preclude ambition, it is simply appreciation, gratitude, and acceptance for the way things are right now.

Read all of Barbra’s blog posts by visiting https://www.rockyourretirement.com/blog/
This show is sponsored by https://CertifiedMedicareAgents.com.
Katherine Kline Podcaster, Blogger

I host the Rock Your Retirement Show, which is about Lifestyle, not money or insurance! I started the show in 2016 before anyone knew what a podcast was, and now it's had over one million downloads. At this point, there is a lot of information in our back catalog and we try to release an episode every month.

I'm a retired Financial Advisor (after 25 years) and now I try to have fun with my husband, my dog, and my friends.

I'm also the founder of CertifiedMedicareAgents.com, a site that brings insurance agents together with people who are looking for help with Medicare.