Everyone please rise this week on I Used to be Somebody. Carl interviews his first judge ever! Jeannine Barr was an assistant district attorney who decided after 9 years to throw her hat in the political ring, (brave move) and then became a criminal district court judge for 24 years. She oversaw cases on “all the people you are afraid of.” She tells us what it was like to have a high profile, elected position as a Texas judge.
In another big brave move, Jeannine left the bench and has created a fascinating second act as a storyteller/singer and songwriter. She has a beautiful voice and is also a talented writer. In this interview, she details her journey from confidently directing bailiffs in the courtroom to becoming a first-time singer– scared to death at her first public singing appearance. I think we can all relate to being a newbie in a brand new environment and Jeannine is unstoppable.
Bonus: Jeannine surprises host Carl with a song she wrote just for him. Of course it’s titled, “I Used to be Somebody”.
• More about Jeannine Barr: https://www.jbarrmusic.com/about
• Episode Content: https://pickleballmediahq.com/blog/Jeannine-Barr-Interview-Here-comes-the-Judge-Now-Singer-Songwriter
• Sponsored by Capital Advantage: https://capitaladvantage.com/promotion/retirement-planning-guide
• Sponsored by How to Retire and Not Die: https://garysirak.com/how-to-retire-and-not-die
• (Un)Retirement Travel with the Pro, Allan Wright from Zephyr Adventures and Taste Vacations: https://www.zephyradventures.com
• I Used to be Somebody World Tours — Tuscany, Portugal and Arizona Pickleball Adventure: https://pickleballmediahq.com/tour
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