We are non-profit organization dedicated to honoring our past and present heroes. These are men and women of the active duty military and veterans who have volunteered to serve their country.
We also want to honor the families of those veterans and active duty military, who are true un-sung heroes. A veterans service is only possible by the sacrifices made by the loved ones who are at home taking care of the home front.
In 2025 we have some big goals.
Raise Money to provide care items for homeless veterans, visit veterans in local VA centers, in Hospice care, help support other veteran non-profits, and raise money for organizations that support the families of veterans.
My name is David Willis, I knew at a very early age that I was going into the military but didn’t know what branch. As I got older and started learning about each branch and quickly figured out that the Marines was the best. I served in the Marine Corps from 97-04. My MOS was 0311(infantry). I went to Paris Island for boot camp after boot camp I was stationed with 2nd blt 8th Marines Golf company. While with 2/8 I went on several deployments to port a prince Haiti, Okinawa, South Korea, Greece, also did two trips to Bridgeport California for cold weather training, I wasn’t going to make a Mediterranean float so I extended and joined 1st blt 8th Marines Bravo company. During my time there we deployed to the Mediterranean and had stops in Spain, Italy, Malta, Africa, and other ports. I got out of the Marines in August of 01, but 9/11 happened and was recalled to go back in where I was stationed with a mobilization support battalion and deployed.
BabyBoomer.org is an online membership community created by and for the Baby Boomer Generation. Boomers, and those who service and support them, are welcome to join our community accessing all general topics.