Embracing a Summer of Rest and Renewal S4E61
- Embracing a Summer of Rest and Renewal S4E61 Sheri Miter- Strengths-Based Career Coach & Visionary Strategist 15:02
Have you ever felt a powerful nudge to slow down, even when your instinct is to keep pushing forward?
In this episode, I share my personal reflections on slowing down, reconnecting with nature, and trusting in the unseen work happening beneath the surface. This season, I've felt a deep calling to embrace rest, resist the urge to rush back into work, and focus on writing a book that has been growing inside me for years.
“Rest and write, write and rest. I hear this message everywhere, and it's a challenge for my high-achieving nature. But I'm learning to trust in the process and the timing.”
Join me as I explore:
- The importance of recognizing and following a calling, even when it feels counterintuitive.
- The struggle between the drive to achieve and the need to rest.
- Insights on how trusting in the unseen work can lead to a bountiful harvest.
- Reflections on my family's farming roots and the lessons they offer about faith and patience.
- The exciting journey of writing my book on discovering your calling, inspired by my personal experiences and professional insights.
When you listen to this conversation, you'll gain inspiration to:
- Understand the significance of seasonal rest and its impact on your overall well-being.
- Reflect on your own calling and the importance of listening to inner guidance.
- Discover how slowing down can lead to greater Clarity and productivity in the long run.
- Appreciate the balance between work and rest in achieving long-term goals.
Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope my story encourages you to embrace your own season of rest and renewal, and to trust in the process of Growth that happens beneath the surface.
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Website – www.sherimiterco.com
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Matthew 5:14-16 is the inspiration for this podcast.
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