EP 154 Guest Hospice Nurse Penny on Hospice & Prayer, Cultural Traditions, Misconceptions, Family Dynamics & Advanced Planning
- EP 154 Guest Hospice Nurse Penny on Hospice & Prayer, Cultural Traditions, Misconceptions, Family Dynamics & Advanced Planning Valerie Lynn Borgman 56:37
I’m so excited to welcome Hospice Nurse Penny back to the show! In this episode we’re talking about her new book Influencing Death: Reframing Dying for Better Living.
In this episode, we discuss:
10:26 Advanced Planning
13:28 Cultural Traditions & Prayer
26:44 Misconceptions About Hospice
40:24 Hospice & Humor
And so much more!!!
Did you miss my previous interview with Penny? Check out EP 145 for more from Hospice Nurse Penny!
Penny Hawkins Smith aka Hospice Nurse Penny is a nationally certified hospice & palliative care registered nurse with over 18 years of experience. As a social media influencer on YouTube, TikTok, Instagram and Facebook and through her new book Influencing Death, Penny is working to dispel the mysteries and myths around dying and the stigma of hospice. @hospicenursepenny
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