About Phillip Bogolub:
Phillip Bogolub is the originator of, The Mindfully Immersive Communication System of “AJANOI”(Ahjha-noy). As a one-man powerhouse with an engineering degree and an MBA, Phillip has developed a unique mindful imaging technique that empowers individuals to find answers within themselves. Ideal for companies invested in their people’s well-being, Phillip incorporates music, sound, singing, and colored spectrums of light into his unique training, providing a holistic approach to corporate wellness. Delivering mindfully immersive employee engagement to create the change-maker leaders and millions of employees worldwide are looking for.
Topics for today’s show:
- Redefining words and the concept of “spiritually guided detours”
- Transforming one’s life by focusing on positivity and eliminating negative input
- Prioritizing quality over quantity in Relationships
- Letting things happen naturally instead of forcing them
- Using “spiritually guided detours” to overcome negative connotations and emotions
Key Takeaways:
- The power of redefining words and embracing the concept of “spiritually guided detours” results in a profound transformation in one’s perspective and approach to life.
- A steadfast commitment to positivity and the elimination of negative influences reshape an individual’s mindset and overall well-being.
- The quality of relationships is far more important than the quantity, as maintaining a few meaningful connections is more impactful than a multitude of superficial ones.
- Allowing events and experiences to unfold naturally, without the burden of forced expectations, gives rise to a greater sense of openness and receptiveness to the lessons they hold.
- Utilizing the “spiritually guided detours” framework to reframe negative connotations and emotions is a powerful tool for personal Growth and self-discovery.
“I would rather have 1 good friend in my life than 99 people that say they are my friends, but they are bringing me down.”
-Phillip Bogolub
Find more from Conscious Communication and host Phillip Bogolub:
Hello, my name is Phillip Bogolub. I have created a podcast show called, "Conscious Communication". The show was created from several experiences in my life but one central experience. I was an engineer traveling around the world supporting a medical device for over 25 years. During my travels I learned more about myself then I realized. Within this context I have pivoted in becoming and creating a philosophy called, "AJANOI" and out of that philosophy my "Conscious Communication" Podcast Show was born! I know you are asking, how do you say the word, "AJANOI" and what the heck does it mean? On that note, check out my podcast show, and I believe you will find the answers you seek. Empowering others empowers ourselves, that is what life is all about!