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The Veil of Secrecy Over Perimenopause

The Veil Of Secrecy Over Perimenopause &Raquo; 3


Why is it that we aren’t having these conversations? There is lots of talk about reaching puberty, contraception, about having children and caring for elders. Until the last 5 years, it seems that these conversations about perimenopause just weren’t happening. And now they begin.

Different studies peg the percentage of women who felt unprepared for perimenopause or Menopause between 63% and 87%. This is a very high number considering this is a natural life process that all women go through. Don’t you think we should have a better understanding of this anticipated stage of life?

One major factor that is responsible for these numbers is that doctors seem poorly equipped to support women by offering lifestyle or even pharmaceutical options to address the symptoms, and ultimately the quality of life. In fact, women’s health research has been scant over the years because researchers found women to the “unreliable study subjects” due to their hormonal fluctuations. So instead of delving into that mystery, most health research omitted women altogether.

The AARP did a study on this perplexing issue and reported that 75% of women felt dismissed or poorly supported by their doctors for issues around perimenopause or Menopause. In trying to make sense of this, the researchers went to doctors (residents, GPs and gynecologists) to ask if they felt comfortable dealing with hormone related cases. 80% reported that they did NOT feel comfortable or well equipped to attend to these cases. The reason is because hormone related studies are considered an elective and generally aimed at students pursuing endocrine-related specialties.

Another probable reason we don’t talk about it is because of the widely held perception of a woman being a shriveled-up shell once she is past child-bearing years. Women don’t want to expose themselves to that negative labeling and the result is that the topic is not discussed. This is a societal norm based on misogyny and ageism. Neither of them serves us well.

In the workplace, women are already dealing with discriminating factors, so they don’t want to reveal a further weakness once they hit perimenopause.

Most women receive support through difficult menstrual cycles and with childbearing. So the question is, why aren’t they equally supported and better prepared for perimenopause and Menopause during the tumultuous time as hormones decline in the third chapter of life. As we live much longer than our forebears of hundreds of years ago, this chapter is a lot longer than it used to be. Consider the previous life expectancy of 50 years in 1700 compared with 82 years in 2022.

The issues are real and women don’t need to struggle in isolation. We have the knowledge to anticipate and mitigate so many of the symptoms and indeed prevent many age related underlying conditions. Let’s share this knowledge with the sisterhood.

If you have questions, you are invited to book a free call so we can discuss your situation.

If you’re anything like me, perimenopause or Menopause was never really a conversation that I had – with friends, at work, or in school. My mother was willing to discuss it, but she claimed not to have had much in the way of issues. Now I look back at osteoporosis, heart challenges, weight gain, mood disorders and dementia with a different perspective. I think her understanding of the process was limited – like mine was.

The Veil Of Secrecy Over Perimenopause &Raquo; Click To Download 2

The post The Veil of Secrecy Over Perimenopause appeared first on Holistic Nutrition Lifestyle.

Originally Published on https://holisticnutritionlifestyle.com/

Dyna Vink Holistic Coach to Women

Dyna held leadership positions in the technology sector where she worked for over 20 years.

But that changed after reflecting on the unnecessarily rough ride she endured going through perimenopause. Dyna is now a certified health and nutrition coach who refused to give in after her doctor, dietician and trainer gave ineffective advice on how to navigate perimenopause. Turning to the women’s aging research, she figured things out and now helps women through their symptoms using a lifestyle approach so they can wake up energized each morning. Symptoms like fatigue, brain fog, hot flashes, joint pain, headaches, anxiety, sleep issues and more can all be managed. Dyna is a caring coach, a sought after guest on lifestyle podcasts and a blogger. She also advises progressive organizations on introducing a menopause policy into the workplace.

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