Author’s Bio: Shannon Wilkerson, a
native Washingtonian, is an author and book strategy and productivity coach.
She has dedicated her career to helping other women to be successful in their endeavors
and has built a business around the premise that, with the right tools, anyone
can succeed personally and professionally. Shannon enjoys solo travel,
Journaling and playing with her two children. 

Lawrence: What inspired you to write your book?

I was inspired by the need that I saw among single black women,
through watching interviews, having conversations and observation. A lot of
women were making decisions based on fear and believing the lie that there are
certain things that are just not for us. I wanted to squash that and see us

Note: This book will be released in October 2023.

DL: How do
you handle writer’s block?

don’t have writer’s block because I have developed an outlining strategy that
has eliminated that issue for me and for many of my clients as well. 

DL: What
were some of the challenges when writing this book?

didn’t want my book to be negative. I wanted to focus on the positive and the
things that make us amazing. However, I had to also address the stereotypes and
stigma that we have been labeled with. It was a challenge to create a balance
of the two. 

DL: What are
the keys to success in marketing your book(s)?

SW: Warm
the audience up with the prelaunch. Build anticipation. Use a professional for
graphics. Your Image matters! Sell from your own website. 

DL: What tips
would you give to aspiring writers?

SW: Write
well, not fast! 

DL: What are
three fun facts about yourself?

SW: Three
fun facts about myself are:

  • I love eating
    breakfast food for dinner.
  • I like to
    travel alone.
  • I text my
    mother and sisters at least 50x a day 

DL: What new
projects are you currently working on?

SW: I’ve
created a Coaching program based on my book. I help women to get what they want
out of life by fearlessly going after it. 

DL: If you
could choose a superpower, what would it be and why?

would want the ability to read minds. That way I could see what actually holds
people back from living life how they want to as their true self. 

DL: If
you were hosting a dinner party which three authors would be your dream guests
and why?

SW: My dream guests would be: 

  • Michelle
    – I just want to know what it was like being the first black family in
    the white house.
  • Cynthia
    – She’s a woman of great faith and integrity and I enjoy her company.
  • Tabitha Brown
    I just love her energy and have interest in her story. 

DL: Where
can readers learn more about you and purchase your book(s)?

SW: Readers
can learn more here:

DL: Thanks
so much for being here with us today. I know my readers will enjoy getting to
know you and your work.

SW: Thank you!

It'S A Book Thing Presents: An Interview With Shannon Wilkerson, Author Of Girl Go For It! The Single Black Woman’s Blueprint To Living Life Fearlessly &Raquo; Shannon%20Wilkerson Book%209 18 23

It'S A Book Thing Presents: An Interview With Shannon Wilkerson, Author Of Girl Go For It! The Single Black Woman’s Blueprint To Living Life Fearlessly &Raquo; Shannon%20Wilkerson Headshot%209 18 23


Originally Published on

Deliah Lawrence Attorney, Author, Blogger, Workshop Facilitator

Deliah Lawrence is a Maryland-based attorney and award-winning author of two romantic suspense novels (Gotta Let It Go and Gotta Get It Back) set in Baltimore. She’s also a blogger and workshop facilitator who writes poetry and short stories.

When Deliah isn’t writing, you can find her reading a book, indulging in her addiction to investigation discovery shows; or painting her yet-to-be exhibited oil artworks of landscapes, portraits or whatever else comes to her creative mind. Constantly on the go, she is also a member of the Black Writers’ Guild of Maryland and Sisters in Crime.
