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It’s A Book Thing Presents: An Interview with Reverend Jennifer McSween, author of TRUE FORGIVENESS: The Proven Path From Pain To Power In 5 Simple Steps

Author’s Bio: Reverend Jennifer McSween is the International
Bestselling Author of the book: TRUE FORGIVENESS: The Proven Path From Pain To
Power In 5 Simple Steps. Her first book, it’s about her struggling, searching,
and discovering true forgiveness… healing the emotionally painful relationship
she’d had with her mother since childhood.


Also, a Speaker, Podcast Host, and
Personal Transformation Strategist – spiritually oriented, open-minded, and mature
adults reserve Rev. Jennifer’s services to help them be fearless and
resilient, so they can live authentic, empowered, happy, deeply fulfilling
lives… regardless of the circumstances, conditions, or even other people that
come into their lives.


In addition to writing and helping
transform lives, she offers an exclusive, concierge-style wedding officiating
service, to couples who want to experience a unique, personalized, spiritual

She is a contributing Author of the
Bestselling “GET PUBLISHED BUSINESS BOOK VOLUME 2” and “Creating Your Legacy
Journal”. She is also a member of Bestselling Authors International.

Interviewed and featured in:


Write Now! Blog Radio 1/21/2021




Deliah Lawrence: What inspired
you to write your book?


Reverend Jennifer McSween: That’s
a great question and I cannot only tell you “What inspired me”… but the moment
I had the inspiration. It was August 11, 2002 and I was in the Wisconsin
Airport during a 3-hour wait for a connecting flight home to Montréal. I was
returning from Pathways of Light spiritual college in Keil, Wisconsin. I had
attended the In-Person Training section of my spiritual counselor training


The day before, August 10th, we were
Ordained. We had completed our training and were now Certified Ordained
Ministerial Counselors. One of the gifts we received from the Founders of the
college, was a book titled “Inner Healing” by Dan Joseph.


I began reading that book while
waiting for my flight. It was a little book and Dan wrote in a very clear,
simple, and engaging manner that drew me in from the start. In his book, Dan
shared a 3-Step process he had developed for finding peace whenever he felt


Because Dan’s process was not only
simple but practical, I applied it right then on a minor troubling situation
that came to mind. I immediately felt less troubled. I found that though Dan
Joseph’s process was simple, it was very effective.

As I read further, I found myself
thinking that I would love to write a similar book sharing simple, practical,
spiritual processes. The more I thought about it, the greater the desire to do
it became and the more excited I became.


Because, at that time I had already
realized that my purpose was to help people heal and transform their lives.
Writing and publishing a book would be yet another way to express my purpose. I knew then, without a doubt, I
would one day write and publish a life transforming book.


DL: How do you handle writer’s


RJM: Although, between 2013
and March 10, 2017 I made several attempts to write this book, I wouldn’t say
that it was due to having writer’s block. I see writer’s block as staring at a
blank screen or a blank page and having no idea what to say. With me, however,
there was no shortage of ideas floating around in my head. The problem was, I
just couldn’t get the ideas out of my head and onto the paper or screen in
front of me. At the time, I thought it was “Imposter’s Syndrome.” However, I
later came to realize that it was simply because I had not yet fully understood
and/or lived the idea or experience I wanted to share.


Because, on March 10, 2017, starting
with a blank page, I wrote the complete first rough draft in 27 days. During
those 27 days, there was not one day that I woke up not wanting to write. I may
not have written every day, not because I did not want to… but because I chose
not to.


I still don’t understand it myself.
The moment I started writing on March 10th, it felt like I had become a
different person. I literally woke up every day looking forward to writing that
day. I didn’t have to create mock-up images of my book to keep motivated or
promise myself some kind of reward to keep writing. I was naturally inspired.
The ideas were easily flowing out of my head and I had this constant underlying
feeling of joy. I remember wondering to myself during that time… “Who is this


DL: What is your writing process?


RJM: Whatever I’m writing, my
writing process is the same. I start with pen and paper and do a brain dump,
pouring out all the thoughts and ideas related to my topic on paper. They could
be full sentences, phrases, related quotes, or even a single word. Nothing is
censured, if it comes to my mind, it goes onto the paper.


Then, I organize and group by
related themes or ideas. These become chapters, headings, or sections. Once
I’ve finished organizing, I start writing. I write a first draft without
editing. I then read what I’ve written and edit as I go. 


DL: Is there any particular
author or book that influenced you in any way either growing up or as an adult?


RJM: Growing up, one book
that influenced me most was Maya Angelou’s first book, I Know Why the Caged
Bird Sings
. I read this book when I was sixteen years old and it helped me
to feel truly worthy and valued. Skip ahead about 20 years… I get to see and
hear Maya Angelou speak in person and it further reinforces my sense of
worthiness and value.


DL: What was the best writing
advice you’ve ever been given?

RJM: Well, the best writing
advice I’ve ever been given… not only got me started writing… but kept me
writing my book all the way to publication. And still guides all of my writing
today. And, it came from the same person. Chandler Bolt, Founder of “Self-Publishing


To this day I still can’t recall who
sent me the email in February of 2017, promoting Chandler Bolt’s Webinar on
going “From Blank Page To Published Author in 90 Days.” I attended that Webinar
and what Chandler taught was to first, do a brain dump; then organize your
material; then write your complete first draft without editing.


DL: What tips would you give to
aspiring writers?


RJM: First, I would say make
sure you’re writing for the “Right Reasons.” In other words, don’t write
because you think it would give you credibility or make you feel worthy or
successful. Write only if it’s something you feel genuinely inspired to do. A
way of expressing your purpose. Or… if you have a message to share or something
that would improve or transform the lives of others.


Here are 4 tips for writing with
ease and joy:

  1. Don’t overthink it.
  2. Keep in mind you’re just ‘telling
    your story’, and it’s your story. You can tell it the way you want and use
    whatever examples you choose.
  3. Remember… there is no one waiting in
    the wings to “rap you on the knuckles” like a grade school teacher and judge
    what you have written as wrong or right.
  4. Not everyone will agree with your
    ideas or perspectives, but that’s okay. 
    They can choose to write their own books and express their own ideas.
    Plus… they are not the ones for whom you are writing. There are those for whom
    you are. 

DL: What are 3 fun facts about


RJM: Three fun facts about myself are:

  1. I consider myself to be
    the only Black Person with no rhythm.
  2. I absolutely love Classic Country
    Music and I’m a big Willie Nelson Fan.
  3. I’m passionate about all things
    related to Ancient Egypt… so much so that I have a tattoo of the bust of Queen
    Nefertiti on my right forearm.  

DL: Would you like to share
an excerpt from TRUE FORGIVENESS: The Proven Path From Pain To Power In 5
Simple Steps


RJM: Sure… here’s an excerpt
from the Back Cover material:


“Rightly understood, forgiveness is
not about denying you feel hurt, rationalizing, what happened, or looking for
the good that came from a painful experience. Forgiveness – True Forgiveness –
is shifting your perception in such a way, that regardless of what happens or
what you experience, the thought of judgement doesn’t occur in the first place.
From this perspective… there is nothing to condemn, nothing or no one to
accuse, and no guilt to be felt.”

In True Forgiveness: The Proven Path From
Pain To Power In 5 Simple Steps,
 I share a simple, practical way to make this
radical shift in your perception so you can put an end to your struggle to find
peace and healing.


DL: What new projects are you
currently working on?

RJM: I felt led to create a 5
Book Series titled “The Other Way Series” with my first book “True Forgiveness”
as Book #1. I’m currently working on the course for implementing book #1 and,
I’m working on book #2 in the series. 


DL: Where can readers learn more
about you and purchase your book(s).


RJM: Readers can get more
information here:

DL: Thanks so much for being here with us today. I know my readers will
enjoy getting to know you and your work.


RJM:  Thank you for this wonderful opportunity!


It’s A Book Thing Presents: An Interview With Reverend Jennifer Mcsween, Author Of True Forgiveness: The Proven Path From Pain To Power In 5 Simple Steps &Raquo; Jennifer%20Mcsween%20Alt%20Book%20Cover%2010 2 23
It’s A Book Thing Presents: An Interview With Reverend Jennifer Mcsween, Author Of True Forgiveness: The Proven Path From Pain To Power In 5 Simple Steps &Raquo; Jennifer%20Mcsween%20Pic%2010 2 23








Originally Published on

Deliah Lawrence Attorney, Author, Blogger, Workshop Facilitator

Deliah Lawrence is a Maryland-based attorney and award-winning author of two romantic suspense novels (Gotta Let It Go and Gotta Get It Back) set in Baltimore. She’s also a blogger and workshop facilitator who writes poetry and short stories.

When Deliah isn’t writing, you can find her reading a book, indulging in her addiction to investigation discovery shows; or painting her yet-to-be exhibited oil artworks of landscapes, portraits or whatever else comes to her creative mind. Constantly on the go, she is also a member of the Black Writers’ Guild of Maryland and Sisters in Crime.

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