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Blogs Away – Aiming to Other Senior Sites

Blogs Away – Aiming To Other Senior Sites

For a spring break, I thought we might like a change of pace, so here’s something new. At AgingWithPizzazz, I make every effort to embrace ideas or tips that live up to the name of this content blog. Still, I realize that there are many other sites out there on Aging, Senior Interests and Health.

I thought I might attempt a “Macy’s-promotes-Gimbles” type of post and share with you some sites I’ve discovered over time. Varying greatly, a small description of each will help you decide which might be of interest to you.

Unfortunately, some I have enjoyed in the past don’t seem up-to-date any longer. They may be defunct; it’s sometimes difficult to discern. Perhaps I will catch them later for another catalogue entry of notables.

About Senior Resources

Before I begin the list, let me mention another source. AgingWithPizzazz has a great RESOURCES page. Have you ever visited it? If not, you will find lots of products, services and contact information. If you’ve never visited it, try it out now at:

I have found a couple rather sad things while using (or now searching for) senior blogs and info. Admittedly, I didn’t actually do a statistical count, but I would swear that about 7 out of every 10 searches on senior issues comes up with Nursing homes, assisted living, care-giving and sales pitches for the same. Another 1 out of the 10 (or more) is sales of financial services and related promotions. Another 1 of the 10 is about style, make-up and other senior products, and tend toward a female audience only.

Trying to find a sociable, senior run site, inviting to all is difficult. One of the blogs I am about to recommend ( complained that most ‘senior sites’ are run by young people trying to sell them something. His complaint is not unfounded. Except for a few exceptions, I hope to show you sites that are in that rare 0.1% of senior places.

Sharing Interesting Senior Sites with You

I did not use Ranked Choice Voting here, so none of these are in my ranked order of favorites. Truthfully, they are in no order at all. Further, I probably forgot a bunch, but wanted to contain the list to a nice super dozen. For now, pick a few to check out AFTER you’ve read AgingWithPizzazz. 😊

Aging Matters (

I appreciate this site for its science-based info. Not as ‘friendly’ as some I enjoy, but a good source. It’s not concentrated all on ‘self’ care, but offers a research basis to consider choices. The work seems open to alternative ideas. There is a big following here, because he has valid data to offer. John Mitteldorf is the ‘host’ and writes of “Playing the Game for a Longer Life.”

Changing Aging (

Blogs Away – Aiming To Other Senior Sites &Raquo; Word Image 2 Changing is a very different site from that above. This blog (with “aging expert,” Dr. Bill Thomas and Kavan Peterson) is described as a multi-blog platform challenging conventional views on aging.

They state the belief that “aging is a strength, rich in developmental potential and Growth. We welcome anyone who is interested in changing aging, whether you’re an elder, youngster or just trying to figure out what comes after adulthood.” Alternative friendly. [They sell products, like many websites.] There are a variety of views on this site, which has many followers.

70 And Older70 and Older (

“Reflections on these intriguing years” is the tag line. Barry Phegan is exploring the “meaning” of life, and accelerating speed of time. (Ah, yes, Barry, you got that right.) This blog markets nothing, just curiosity and sharing. What you do between “now and then” with the life we have. Shares rich mix of our experiences. Have to say, I really like the feel of this blog.

As mentioned above, he notes something I agree with – that most ‘senior blogs’ are written by younger people marketing to those older (like financial services or senior care facilities). His posts offer a good thought experiment by someone not younger and not selling. Keep it up, Barry.

Sonic Boomer (

I'M A Sonic Boomer “I’m a Sonic Boomer, not a senior” says Royce Shook. And searching on the site name, you may find it’s actually “I’m a Sonic Boomer” although the URL says “boomernotsenior.” The author, very involved in his community, also does workshops on health and wellness for seniors.

While there may be a bit of scrolling around on this site, his ideas – quick and clear are lovely. No one-theme here. The blog is described as for those “interested in what life after Retirement may look like for them.” In this blog the author highlights and writes about issues that [he believes] are important both for Seniors and working Boomers.

Nothing But Net Nanny (

Blogs Away – Aiming To Other Senior Sites &Raquo; Word Image 3 This is an affable and personal site for proud grandparents especially. Slight focus on women, but room for men. Run by Katie Mancuso, a young grandmother from Florida. She describes this as a “social blog that will offer a fun, inspirational and even self-deprecating take on aging, retirement and fitness…or lack thereof.”

Further it states that “NetNanny invites other grandparents to share their personal stories, photos, and videos of what they love to do with their grandchildren — even if they can’t do it as well as they once did.” She asks “Do we still have it? Can we share it?
What, no grandkids? Or even kids? Doesn’t matter, she says, Net Nanny also welcomes you to share your time, talents and experiences.

Kathy’s Retirement Blog ( )

Kathy'S Retirement Blog Obviously, ‘retirement’ is the main theme of this thoughtful blog. Author Kathy Merlino describes her posts as being about her “perspective and thoughts on the emotional side of retirement and her journey as a caregiver.” Others have labeled her words as “thought-provoking.”

She shares the belief of many that retirement is a journey, not a destination, and it keeps her stories fresh. She writes on Family, Healthy Living, Making the Most of Your Money, Relationships, Transitions and Things To Do In Retirement. Mostly she writes on non-financial retirement topics.

Special note about another blog – Can I retire Yet? ( I can’t leave a statement about retirement and finances without referencing one of my favorite blogs (and personal mentor, Darrow Kirkpatrick). Even those already in retirement years can benefit from this blog – but more importantly share it with those on the cusp. They’ll be grateful.

Forging the Second Self (

Blogs Away – Aiming To Other Senior Sites &Raquo; Word Image Here’s another site with different names for the URL. Frankly, I’m not sure which I like better. “Forging the Second Self” seems exciting. Of course, this is coming from someone with a tag line after Aging-With-Pizzazz that reads “Youngevity for your Second 50 years.” But I equally like “in between selves,” (the name of her memoir), to which I bet a lot of us can relate.

In defining her blog, she wishes to track both joys and struggles after retiring from a 20-year teaching career. Richel Burkey-Harris faces empty-nest syndrome as she wants to rebuild her own skills and relationships, all while learning how to get old.

This is another good site for writers. Mostly reflections from the blogger, who also has an ongoing “memoir,” as well as interesting book reviews. Many different subjects are covered. (In passing, she offers editing and Coaching services at

Monk’s Progress ( )

Monk'S Progress Here is a very unusual blog which throws out thoughts (and lots of poetry) about events of the day. This diary type of blog can take as little as 2 seconds to read and encourages comments. He describes it as “about the little things… And the big.”

Charles Cingolani, poet, onetime seminarian, teacher, served in the U.S. Army, studied and taught in the States and abroad and now lives in Germany. He is the author of many poems but shares those of others as well. Nice change of pace – even when there is a political bent. Give it a shot.

The GypsyNesters (

Blogs Away – Aiming To Other Senior Sites &Raquo; Word Image 4 The GypsyNesters tag line is “Breaking the Empty Nest Rules.” Blogging about Travel, food, laugher and time to “Celebrate Life after Kids,” authors are fun from the very first page. Quirky and different approaches to travel areas and food, and I repeat ‘food’ from those interesting areas.

GypsyNesters follows the journey of David and Veronica James who, when they became empty-nesters, “chose to look at this next phase of life as a beginning instead of an ending”.

They explain their book “Going Gypsy: One Couple’s Adventure from Empty Nest to No Nest at All” as one in “which they tell the tales of traveling over 10,000 miles along the backroads of America.” Ah, the ‘gypsy’ part.

They have gotten lots of media and TV attention. You can meet them here in a video at the end of this post.

Elder Chicks (

The Elder Chicks is a blog run by two senior women, Dr. Thelma Reese and Dr. Barbara Fleisher. With the subtitle, “Helping each other master the art of a senior life,” the blog does just that.


With a nice feel and welcoming faces, the blog features several guest authors, opinion pieces, life updates, a community forum, expert advice on a range of topics, and more. The Elder Chicks is a great place to find community and share your thoughts on a changing world.

Suddenly Senior (

Their tag line is “America’s Most Trusted Senior Citizen Website.” They offer reviews of products geared toward aging by various writers. There may be more product articles now than used to be, but also included are areas of nostalgia, trivia and chat. They don’t appear to post often; some of the material is dated a couple years ago. Still, lots of good info AND humor to find. They seemed to have had more ‘senior articles’ before 2020. Not a huge favorite of mine, simply because they have few articles by seniors, but for comparing items, (assumed geared toward seniors), their material is helpful. A “trusted” site can be worth a lot, if they are attempting to live up to the title.

Sixty and Me (

Sixty And Me I couldn’t leave out 60 & Me, despite that it does concentrate on women and lots of style and make-up (not solely). STILL, it is one of the best known and well run, consistent “online magazines” about life after 60. Margaret Manning founded this ‘journal,’ which now has half a million followers. And yet she manages to keep things casual, gracious and responsive. Living in Switzerland, you can imagine that she includes a lot on travel as well. Also, finances, retirement advice, aging, health, dating, and so much more.

While geared to women, there are plenty of interesting things on the site for anyone. She has a vast array of guest writers. For full disclosure, I have written for them as well. This is a very active, successful site that gets a good deal of well-deserved media attention.

Exceptions to the Friendly Blogs

I wanted to stick to blogs that have an approachable feel. Some try, but you can tell they are ‘corporate’ in nature. Nevertheless, here are a few that might offer you information when you need it.

Medicare FAQ Blog (

Not Medicare, but about Medicare. This company has info for those seeking answers to the confusing and complicated world of Medicare and its relations. The Supplement blog answers lots of questions about Medicare and Medigap.

AARP Offerings – Senior Planet  & Bulletin Today

Senior Planet ( blog states it’s about learning and exploring together. Staying engaged and staying active. They say that “no topic is off limits.”

As the name suggests, Bulletin Today ( is current events and news stories. Their unique spin is how these stories affect older generations. Scams, news and tips are all current.

Exceptions – Diverse or Specific Groups

I have added just a couple more possibilities that reach out to featured groups or special needs. There are so many more, and I just happened across these due to their emphasis on those in older age ranges. I am not fully familiar with them.

Justice in Aging Blog (

Justice In Aging Blog Especially for low-income or seniors in poverty, this is more resource than blog, but a good reference to have on hand for someone in need. Described as a “national organization, it uses the power of law to fight senior poverty by securing access to affordable health care, economic Security, and the courts for older adults with limited resources.” If you know someone who could use them, please share this.


Build & Balance (

I find the tagline rousing – “Building a Legacy while Balancing a life.” Nice site geared toward BIPOC communities (but not entirely, of course). They seem to have only random posts. Uplifting stories for those seeking inspiration.

SeniorsaloudSeniors Aloud (

Dynamic site geared toward (but not solely to) an Asian community, (it originated in Malaysia). They are building a network to provide purpose. Seniors Aloud conducts numerous professional programs, along with community sharing online.

The site welcomes active seniors with a goal of making the “golden years the best years of our lives.”

Viva Fifty! | A Bilingual Community That Celebrates Life At 50 Viva Fifty (

The tag line here gives the objective away – “A Bilingual Community that Celebrates Life at 50.” Let me reassure you that as an English speaker (and obviously you are since you are reading here), you will be totally comfortable. Probably more English than Spanish language. It begins the “celebration” at midlife and builds. It’s both heartening and professionally done. MANY different subjects.



Remember in ‘Miracle on 34th Street’ when Macy’s decides to recommend shoppers seek toys elsewhere (even to their rival Gimbles)? They assumed they would be rewarded twice over? Well, that’s my goal here. Hope you keep reading Aging-With-Pizzazz and SHARE my posts with others.

Video of GypsyNesters

Title Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash


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I hit the Second 50 mark a while back, but have my sights on a different goal –much longer, quality living.

While I may have a ‘dr’ in front of my name, the credentials for this blog are the same as yours – I am on a journey to Age with Pizzazz, whether that is body, mind, spirit or just fun and learning.  It is important to me to share related information with others as well.

I currently live in Southern Oregon with my husband, Michael.  I have had the good fortune (well, usually good fortune) to have called several states my home: Vermont, New York (family home with various locations along the way), Massachusetts (a short stint), Georgia, West Virginia, Connecticut, Arizona and most recently (2014) Oregon.

I grew up in upstate New York to a financially-modest family and did most of my schooling there.  My undergraduate work was in education (music and special education).  I did post graduate work in music therapy (and became an RMT – Registered Music Therapist).  My master’s degree from The New School in New York was in Hospital and Health Care Administration – and also convinced me that along with wonderful advancements, much is wrong with our traditional American medical and health care system (at least at that point).  There was a year more of pre-med courses in the southeast and then a doctorate degree in chiropractic (an industry that also has its many up and down sides).

I often joke that I have had as many professions or jobs as I do fingers.  To live up to that claim, I will name some: waitress, low-level banker, music and special Ed teacher, music therapist, mental health professional, gig performer, real estate agent (for which I had a shot at being the worst ever), probation officer, chiropractor, author and consultant.


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