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Linda Abbit

Recording Your Family Stories &Raquo; Tlec

Recording Your Family Stories

A girlfriend recently remarked, “I was trying to tell my sons a story about my parents, and found I just couldn’t remember the exact details. I wasn’t sure if I was telling the story right.” I knew exactly what she meant because I’ve also had that feeling of “Am I relaying this family story accurately?” […]

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A New Resource For Baby Boomer Caregivers &Raquo; Tlec

A New Resource for Baby Boomer Caregivers

Baby boomers are people born from 1946 to 1964, which includes me and probably many of you in our Tender Loving Eldercare community. According to a 2020 study by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), baby boomers make up more than a third (38.5%) of all caregivers in the United States. The study […]

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When A Doctor Becomes A Family Caregiver &Raquo; Tlec

When a Doctor Becomes a Family Caregiver

An opinion piece in USAToday shared the story from an adult daughter and primary care physician, Dr. Bobbie Storment, whose mother was diagnosed with Stage 3 adenocarcinoma, metastatic cancer. Overnight she became a caregiver for her mother, who was also a retired family physician. Although they were both doctors, becoming a caregiver and care recipient […]

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Should You Read My Book? Ask Amy! &Raquo; Tlec

Should You Read My Book? Ask Amy!

I was delighted and honored on June 28th, 2023, when Amy Dickinson, nationally-syndicated advice columnist, recommended my book, The Conscious Caregiver, to her readers in her “Ask Amy” column! A family caregiver wrote in because she was at the end of her rope with her mother and “her stress level is through the roof.” We’ve […]

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Six Tips For When Care Recipients Say Mean Things &Raquo; Yellow Old Man Depositphotos 7771465 Xl 300X200 1

Six Tips for When Care Recipients Say Mean Things

    A reader recently sent me this question: “My elderly mother-in-law has gotten mean in the last few years. She’ll say mean things to people — mostly family members, but also others sometimes. I don’t think she even realizes how hurtful she’s being. Does this happen to elderly people often?” In my experience, not […]

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5 Steps To Help Older Adults Beat The Summer Heat &Raquo; Heat Wave Depositphotos 388897658 S 300X200 1

5 Steps to Help Older Adults Beat the Summer Heat

Summer begins next week in the U.S., and many areas are already experiencing heat waves. According to the American Red Cross, excessive heat has caused more deaths than all other weather events in recent years. Older Adults are More Vulnerable Older adults are more vulnerable to dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke.  Please check on […]

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Geraldine Watson Parachutes For The First Time At Age 85 &Raquo; Img 1470 300X208 1

Geraldine Watson Parachutes for the First Time at Age 85

My friend, Bob Watson, mentioned in passing that his 85-year-old mother made a tandem parachute jump for the first time in her life.  I was fascinated and inspired by this brave act because, based on what I’ve observed, as people age they often become more cautious in their actions.   Geraldine Watson is a great […]

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How To Reduce Placement Guilt While Caregiving &Raquo; Traderjoesreducedguiltpotatochips1 200X300 1

How to Reduce Placement Guilt While Caregiving

Placement Guilt When Moving a Loved One to a Care Facility A support group member asked, “How do I get over the guilt?” A few months prior she had moved her husband to a board and care facility because she could no longer care for him by herself at home. Intellectually she knew it was […]

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The Iron Lady, Dementia And Caregiving &Raquo; Margaret Thatcher

The Iron Lady, Dementia and Caregiving

I watched this movie expecting to learn more about British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s life story, with the emphasis on her place in British history and politics.  I knew she must have been a unique person to have achieved the position of Britain’s only female Prime Minister to date.  What I didn’t know I would […]

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How To Find An Assisted Living Community — Part 3 &Raquo; Istock Seniorwoman 000009474736Xsmall

How to Find an Assisted Living Community — Part 3

This is the third article in a four-part series about how to find an assisted living community for 82-year-old Sally.  Please click here for Part 1 with some background info. And click here for Part 2 about our visit to Assisted Living Community “A.”   Her story continues below . . . . Sally and I […]

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