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Karen Gershowitz

Danger, Danger:  White Sands, New Mexico

An excerpt from my new book “Wanderlust: Extraordinary People, Quirky Places, and Curious Cuisine,” out October 4th. The White Sands National Monument is about seventy miles from Las Cruces and is notable for two reasons. First, it is the site of one of the world’s largest above ground gypsum deposits. Gypsum is a widely used […]

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For Cod’s Sake: Newfoundland

An excerpt from my new book “Wanderlust: Stories of Wanderlust: Extraordinary People, Quirky Places, and Curious Cuisine,” out October 4th. For the two weeks I traveled around Newfoundland, cod came up in conversation several times a day. I was never the one to bring it up. “We’ve all become outlaws.” one man told me. “We’re […]

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Homestay: China 2007

An excerpt from my upcoming book Wanderlust: Stories of Wanderlust: Extraordinary People, Quirky Places, and Curious Cuisine Our tour itinerary included a homestay in a small farming village ninety minutes outside of Xi’an, the city known for the Terracotta Warriors. While I didn’t know what to expect, I was looking forward to the experience. It […]

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

I’m at the airport and will be boarding soon for my return flight home. Last night we went to a tango show. It was great fun, if a bit too commercial for my taste. Today, I spent the day on a tour of Tigre, a neighborhood about fifteen miles from Buenos Aires. The area sits […]

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Buenos Aires, Argentina

Buenos Aires We disembarked the ship this morning. With no fuss, we grabbed a taxi and went to our hotel. Amazingly, at 9 am, they had a room ready for us. After settling in a bit, we grabbed another taxi (which are inexpensive) and went to the San Telmo neighborhood. On Sundays, there is an […]

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Antarctic Cruise — Day 11

Our weather luck ran out Today was a port everyone was eagerly anticipating — Stanley in the Falkland Islands. It’s a great place to see King penguins. And, of course, to get souvenirs to prove we’d visited there. We’d been told there was a 50:50 chance the ship would allow passengers to go ashore. From […]

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Antarctic Cruise – Day 3

Puerto Madryn Argentina Without a call at Puerto Madryn, the ship would be at sea for two days. It is the northernmost edge of Argentinian Patagonia. We were the only ship in port, a good thing or we would have overwhelmed it. Nearly everyone took a shore excursion hoping to get their first glimpses of […]

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Malcolm Teasdale, Host of The Travel Addict Podcast

As a fellow Travel Addict, I love to read stories about adventure travel, and Wanderlust didn’t disappoint. Karen ventures to places where most humans would never consider. Just read about her camping escapades in Tanzania to admire her bravery, tolerance and quest to push the envelope of a quirky travel experience, including the consumption of […]

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Marc Nieson, author of Schoolhouse: Lessons on Love & Landscape

In Wanderlust, Karen Gershowitz once again transports us across the globe, and this time her whirlwind digest includes, well, digestion! From sipping lulada in Colombia to nibbling ugali in Tanzania, her tongue remains intrepid, her curiosity unquenchable, her storytelling delectable. “All artists are driven by a need to try something new, push the medium a […]

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