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Joey Havens

Fun Traditions Matter &Raquo; Unknown 6 Scaled E1684336797355 300X228 1

Fun Traditions Matter

We just celebrated the Christening of our eighth grandchild, Porter James Cross. As part of this family tradition, we also hosted a brunch in our home for family and friends. What a joyous time to be together, to connect, and to celebrate the blessing of life itself.  I must say, Porter was incredible during this […]

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A Dash Of Significance &Raquo; Shutterstock 604198601 300X200 1

A Dash of Significance

Sadly, I recently delivered the eulogy for my brother-in-law Daniel Dillard in Natchez, MS. Daniel was 67 years young (1955-2023). Death is just like a lightning strike, when it hits close to you, it gets your attention! Our lives are blessings from God and as I have blogged before, what our dash says between our year […]

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Alignment For Culture Transformation &Raquo; Screenshot 2023 04 19 At 10.02.15 Am 300X162 1

Alignment for Culture Transformation

Just having finished a podcast on Leading with Significance, I am noticing a common question that I really had not anticipated. How do you get alignment with everyone to truly transform a culture to one that is magnetic and people-first? This process starts with a bold vision for who we want to be. The more […]

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Why Leading With Significance? &Raquo; Screenshot 2023 04 19 At 10.01.40 Am 300X154 1

Why Leading with Significance?

Joey, why did you write this book? I have heard this question repeatedly as we prepare for the book pre-order on Amazon for May 4th and the actual retail rollout on June 6th. It’s really an easy answer. My purpose is to inspire leaders and team members to trust in the good in people as […]

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A Fox Killed My Chickens &Raquo; Shutterstock 508837300 300X200 1

A Fox Killed My Chickens

As I conclude my Zoom conference call, I can’t stop chuckling over our conversation. This was our monthly coaching call and he is a high-level executive and a dear friend. He and his wife have recently purchased land in the rural part of their state and are highly engaged in setting up a garden, planting […]

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Pushing Past Fear &Raquo; Shutterstock 379559665 300X200 1

Pushing Past Fear

I bought CeCe a beautiful pink outfit for our anniversary which she packed and carried on our recent business trip to California. How do I know it was beautiful? She kept this one — ha! When we returned home, she unpacks the new outfit — which she still had not worn — tags still attached. […]

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Have We Been Too Vague? &Raquo; Shutterstock 213583006 300X200 1

Have We Been Too Vague?

We have a 7:30 dinner reservation at a nice restaurant in Vegas and actually arrive about five minutes early (Yeah CeCe). The hostess (not extremely friendly) takes my name and phone number. Handing me a pager, “this will vibrate when we have your table ready.” “We have a 7:30 reservation and everyone is here, how […]

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Are We Wearing The Wrong Uniform? &Raquo; Shutterstock 717350314 300X204 1

Are We Wearing the Wrong Uniform?

One of the things I’ve seen in working with thousands of companies over the years is that we often dress in the wrong uniforms. I’m not referring to the physical shirts, dresses, pants, or jackets people wear to work. That’s CeCe’s expertise. I’m referring to the imaginary uniforms we put on each morning to appear […]

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Simple Ways To Make People Feel Seen And Heard &Raquo; How Are You 300X200 1

Simple Ways to Make People Feel Seen and Heard

Today’s blog features the common situation of feeling invisible and insignificant and how easy it can be for us to help someone feel included, seen and respected. The insights are provided by my friend, Ansley Pugh, a board-certified family nurse practitioner, from her experiences in patient care. “As I was telling a family goodbye at […]

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How To Manage Tasks Effectively &Raquo; Shutterstock 2184280179 300X178 1

How To Manage Tasks Effectively

My closet at home is out of control. It’s so out of control that it is starting to stress me! CeCe has asked me about once a week to go through it and give away a bunch of the things that I am not using. But the more I looked at it, the more intimidated […]

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