140 Understanding the Heart of Hospice with Helen Bauer RN BSN CHPN In this episode of Hospice Explained, host Marie Betcher BSN, RN interviews Helen Bauer RN BSN CHPN, an experienced hospice nurse and podcaster from the Heart of Hospice. Helen shares her background, the motivations behind starting her podcast, and an impactful first hospice visit that shaped her career. The discussion emphasizes the importance of educating the public about hospice care, the challenges caregivers face, and the concept of ‘atomic’ self-care for healthcare professionals. Helen also provides insights on sustaining compassion and self-care in the demanding field of hospice work. 00:00 Introduction to Hospice Explained 00:53 Meet Helen Bauer: A Passionate Hospice Nurse 02:34 The Heart of Hospice Podcast: Origins and Mission 05:47 A Memorable Hospice Experience 14:02 Self-Care for Hospice Workers 16:36 Conclusion and Contact Information https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-000-introduction-to-the-heart-of-hospice/id1139992713?i=1000373575739 https://thewholecarenetwork.com/heart-of-hospice/
Finding a Hospice Agency
1. You can use Medicare.gov to help find a hospice agency,
2. choose Find provider
3. Choose Hospice
4. then add your zip code
This should be a list of Hospice Agencies local to you or your loved one.
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