Beyond the Headlines: Life, Law, and Facing the Unexpected with Michael Stockham and Ray Hartjen
- Beyond the Headlines: Life, Law, and Facing the Unexpected with Michael Stockham and Ray Hartjen Richard Wilmore 40:34
Today: Beyond the Headlines: Life, Law, and Facing the Unexpected with Michael Stockham and Ray Hartjen
Michael Stockham’s debut novel, ‘Confessions of an Accidental Lawyer’, has racked up an incredible list of honors – an award-winning finalist in the American Fiction Awards, a Literary Titan Silver Book Award, a Firebird
Book Award, and so many more! Michael has worked as a big-firm lawyer for over twenty years after receiving his law degree from Cornell Law School. He’s a sought-after litigator and speaker.
Ray Hartjen is a writer who’s facing life’s biggest challenges head-on! In his book, ‘Me, Myself & My Multiple Myeloma’, he bravely opens up about his experiences with Cancer – the diagnosis, the treatments, the emotional rollercoasters and everything in between and beyond. It’s a story that will resonate with anyone who’s faced adversity, and it’s a reminder that we’re never truly alone in our struggles.
Both interviews are brought to you by PodMatch #podmatch