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May 23rd, 2024

Four Reasons start-ups fail and one of them is NOT money

  1. Four Reasons start-ups fail and one of them is NOT money 38:46

Is creating a successful startup more about the product or the connection with your customers? This intriguing question sets the stage for a highly informative episode where we unpack the complex relationship between startups, customer engagement, and the transformative impact of purpose-driven branding with guest expert Brian Mac Mahon.

Brian, with a wealth of experience from nurturing nearly 300 startups at ExpertDojo, shares his foresight on overcoming the biases that plague the startup ecosystem. His global perspective and involvement in the early stages of startup development provide a unique lens through which we can examine the keys to building a sustainable and emotionally resonant business.

This episode is a condensed guide for both budding and established entrepreneurs on the vitality of customer relationships, the strategic use of outreach tools, and the untapped potential of blockchain technology. Brian’s wisdom is not just theoretical; it’s backed by stories of real-world successes and failures, making it an essential listen for anyone looking to fine-tune their entrepreneurial approach and secure a competitive edge in the marketplace.


To get the latest from Brian Mac Mahon, you can follow him below!

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Marcia Dawood TEDx Speaker/Author/Podcaster

Marcia Dawood is an early-stage investor who serves on the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Small Business Capital Formation Advisory Committee, is a venture partner with Mindshift Capital, a member of Golden Seeds, and the chair emeritus of the Angel Capital Association (ACA), a global professional society for angel investors.
She is also an associate producer on the award-winning documentary Show Her the Money.
A TEDx speaker and the host of The Angel Next Door podcast, Marcia walks the talk and holds investments in over fifty early-stage companies and funds. She is committed to expanding support for diverse companies that overcome the world’s biggest problems and accelerate positive change. She is passionate about bridging the gap from early-stage inception to building thriving, profitable companies.
She is a founding member and chair of the ACA’s Growing Women’s Capital Group, which is building syndication and collaboration among US investment groups focused on women-led companies.
She is also a co-author of the book You Can, You Will, which was an Amazon bestseller in thirty-nine categories in four countries.
Prior to that, Marcia worked in sales, marketing, and operations for Kaplan Education for over sixteen years. Marcia received an MBA from the University of North Carolina Kenan-Flagler Business School.
Marcia currently lives in North Carolina with her husband, Izzy, and she feels lucky to be the stepmom to three amazing sons.

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