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May 23rd, 2024

2493: Ron Carlsten

  1. 2493: Ron Carlsten Mark Greene 48:18

Hot Rod Ron Carlsten is a long-time fixture in the traditional hot rod world who promoted some of the first nostalgia hot rod shows in Southern Arizona. His Checkered Strip Productions in Phoenix, Arizona, and formerly in Tucson, Arizona, are well known. He is a custom car builder and hot rod culture broker who has been building cars since 1984 and has built multiple vehicles that have been featured in numerous magazines, ranging from Volkswagen to Hot Rods. Ron’s an experienced car appraiser who has worked for numerous commercial and community stations, managed bands, worked as a booking agent, content creator and as a moderator for online communities. He has curated art shows at major galleries featuring hot rod art and hosted major annual car shows. 

Mark Greene Founder, Producer, Host of Cars Yeah Podcast

The CarsYeah podcast is hosted by me, Mark Greene. I am an incurable automotive enthusiast interviewing successful automotive entrepreneurs who live a lifestyle around their passion for automobiles. My guests include: Artists, celebrities, journalists, authors, concours directors, racers, designer, builders, and more. I take you on their journey, get under the hood, go behind the garage door, and provide some inspiration. You will find over 2,500 shows on the Cars Yeah website and all the major mobile podcast apps.

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