Trusting In Life
- Trusting In Life Sam Liebowitz 1:02:26
This week, on The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam once again brings you a show without a guest as he discusses directly with you all about Trusting In Life.
We all make plans. We all have goals. We all have idea of how we think our life will go. Then what happens? The unexpected. The unusual. The bizzare. Life happens, and how we deal with the unexpected directly relates to the quality of our life.
Do we embrace it? Do we find joy in the unknown? Or do we resent it because we don’t end up withthe life we wanted? Sam will relate how his own life has been one of constant twists and turns and how is has turned out even better than he ever could have expected.
Segment 1
Gratitude. When we give thanks it empowers us, and takes us to the highest vibration, which allows us to be creators. When life is great, we think we created it. We’re quick to accept responsibility for good things, but we don’t accept that we create the negative things in life. If we have more gratitude, even for things that knock us out of balance, then we can start to shift. Notice your interactions with people when you show up with gratitude versus when you show up with grumpiness. If we create a disempowering story around our experiences and life, we won’t feel good. But we change the story to something that empowers us and makes us feel good for who we are, we can be creators.
For a specific example, if you’re providing a product or service to people, the more people will respond to that and naturally be more loyal customers and refer people to you. It’s not about what you do, it is about the energy you bring to what you do.
Segment 2
Trust makes our life so much easier to live. Doesn’t mean it’s easy but it’s easier to live. Many people plan out their life and similarly for Sam, he had planned to study science in college and go to Stony Brook. He trusted life and signs in front of him and went to Stevens. He didn’t enjoy the school but met interesting people. And met someone who hypnotically regressed people to their past lives and put Sam on his initial spiritual path.
Trusting in life is not always easy, doesn’t mean things will go the way we want but doesn’t necessarily mean it won’t be good.
Segment 3
Sam’s friend started to show signs of schizophrenia and if Sam didn’t help him, nobody would. He felt this was the right thing to do so he moved in with his friend, however, the symptoms were getting worse. As if this difficult time could not get harder, he was mugged at gunpoint. Though he got his belongings back, things were getting worse. Sam was lost and put one foot in front of the other. He didn’t know where he was going but trusted in life.
The process of healing continued and just by saying yes to what life presents, he stepped back onto the path of spirituality. Because universe and life took him through healing and energy work and into spirituality, he was ready to resume his path.
Segment 4
Sam was reconnected with old friends from 5 years ago and went on his own spiritual path without any guidance, but all with trust in life. His friend invited him to a ceremony about plant medicine. Though Sam was skeptical about plant medicine, he decided to give the ceremony a shot and immediately felt all the weight on his shoulders disappear.
He’s training to become a facilitator in this work and other practices. He got here because he said yes. He would not be conscious consultant today if he had not said yes to life 35 years ago when he said yes to the college and the struggles he faced that only prepared him for today. If you are inspired, send Sam and email at sam [at] to hear more stories and lessons on trusting life a little more.
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