Saving Charlotte with Author Pia de Jong
- Saving Charlotte with Author Pia de Jong Sam Liebowitz 1:00:28
On this episode of The Conscious Consultant Hour, Sam welcomes international author Pia de Jong.
Pia de Jong is a prize-winning literary novelist and newspaper columnist who moved with her family to the U.S. (for her husband’s work position) from Amsterdam in 2012.
Pia de Jong debuted in 2008 with the novelLange Dagen, for which she received the Gouden Uil Prijs van de Lezer [Readers’ Golden Owl Prize]. Her second novelDieptevrees was published in 2010. In 2012 she emigrated with her husband, scientist Robbert Dijkgraaf, and their three teenage children to the United States. The columns she wrote about the US for NRC Handelsblad were recently compiled under the title Flessenpost. Pia de Jong is published by Prometheus.
Her memoir, about surviving her newborn daughter’s congenital myeloid leukemia diagnosis, was recently published SAVING CHARLOTTE: A MOTHER AND THE POWER OF INTUITION (W. W. Norton & Company).
Segment 1:
-We don’t need anything external to be happy. Happiness is within. You’re not happy WHEN you achieve a goal. You are happy FIRST and that happiness helps you achieve your goal. Moving in whatever direction we want to move in, comes from a place of empowerment.
– Life is not about quantity. It is about our presence in life. It is about how much we live in our lives.
Segment 2:
Pia: Saving Charlotte is a true story about her daughter being diagnosed with Leukemia. When Charlotte was 2, she was diagnosed with a very severe form of Leukemia and she did not have a very high chance overcoming the disease. The only option was Chemotherapy. She felt like that was not the best option so she kept the baby at home with her, because her intuition was saying that Charlotte needed the joy of being at home with her family.
Segment 3:
A little boy gave Pia a Crystal and said:
“Instead of focusing on your daughter’s illness and her death, focus on her life right now.” When Charlotte was 1 year old, she was healing and she was finally in remission. At only ONE-YEAR-OLD!! Now she is seventeen years old, she is aware of her limits, pays attention to her energy, and is a beautiful growing young lady. She was a miracle baby.
Segment 4:
Peoples reaction to the book:
Everyone wanted to know how she intuitively knew to keep the daughter at home as opposed to giving her Chemotherapy. Her response was when you have a baby, you pay very attention to detail, and you “just know.” You get an intuition if something does not feel right.
People can interpret this book, however, they want to. She hopes they find hope and spirituality. The message of the book is that there is ALWAYS hope in every situation. You just have to trust yourself.
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