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LinkedIn Content Mastery: Winning the Algorithm with AI // Lisa Kanda

  1. LinkedIn Content Mastery: Winning the Algorithm with AI // Lisa Kanda Kirsten Graham & Jeanne Willson 19:45

Welcome to The Marketing VA Advantage! I’m Kirsten, joined by Jeanne, a six-figure business coach. Our special guest today is Lisa Kanda, founder of LK Advisors, LLC. Lisa, since 2008, has empowered businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive online. In this episode, she explores LinkedIn content and AI’s impact on mastering the algorithm.

Building a LinkedIn Content Strategy with AI

Lisa highlights the need for foundational elements in a content strategy, stressing the importance of understanding your target market, audience, and core message. AI, when given clear information, yields excellent results. She advises maintaining professionalism on LinkedIn, addressing audience pain points, and adding a human touch, crucial for connection, especially during the pandemic.

Leveraging AI for Efficient Content Creation

A robust content strategy is crucial, but how can AI enhance LinkedIn content creation? Lisa advises leveraging AI to streamline the process, improving efficiency by providing relevant information. Emphasizing LinkedIn’s professionalism, she highlights the significance of addressing audience problems through thoughtful and valuable content.

Engaging with Content and the Algorithm

The podcast explores engaging with LinkedIn content using AI. Lisa shares strategies for maximizing the algorithm’s impact, stressing real-time engagement. Active participation in discussions adds depth, while tagging authors and relevant individuals fosters authentic interactions, expanding your network meaningfully.

Tools and Tips for LinkedIn Success

Lisa shares tools and tips to enhance your LinkedIn profile. The platform’s built-in AI aids content creation, while external tools like ChatGPT transcribe and summarize, saving time. Lisa advocates embracing AI as a valuable ally in your LinkedIn journey. Combining a robust content strategy, AI tools, and authentic engagement unlocks LinkedIn’s full potential for your business.

Join us in the next episode for more innovative digital marketing strategies.

Helpful Links:

The Marketing VA Advantage 

Six Figure Business Coaching 

Mastering Online Marketing for Entrepreneurs

Double Your Income with a Marketing VA, even on a tight budget

Jeanne Willson & Kirsten Graham Kirsten Graham & Jeanne Willson, Podcasters, Video Marketers, Outsourcing Specialists

Jeanne Willson and Kirsten Graham are enterprising entrepreneurs, who co-founded Six Figure Business Coaching LLC. They blended Jeanne's marketing expertise with Kirsten's business savvy to empower service-based entrepreneurs. Their innovative programs, (The Marketing VA Advantage and The Podcast VA Advantage), match clients with Marketing Virtual Assistants, to amplify their online presence and strategic marketing plan. Their dedication to mentoring and fostering authentic connections propels their mission forward, creating a supportive community where entrepreneurs can thrive.


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