1. THE LAW OF BUY-IN Steve Worthy 37:04

Do you have difficulty getting your team on board? Isn't it frustrating?  Here’s the thing, maybe your team doesn't buy into your leadership because they haven't bought into you as their leader yet. 

In this episode, let’s talk about the Law of Buy-in and how it can help you develop a team that is not just compliant but is instead committed to you as their retail leader. Stay tuned!

Key Highlights:

[00:01] Why are so many retail leaders frustrated?

[01:15] Let’s talk about the Law of Buy-In

[02:14] A formula for Buy-in

[03:10] The quality of the idea needs to be short-term & solution oriented

[08:17] Compliant team vs. Committed team

[12:45] What are the symptoms of a compliant team?

[16:04] Signs that you have a committed team

[24:24] Making sense of the buy-in formula 

[26:44] How do I know when I have my team's buy-in? 

Notable Quotes:

  • Your team doesn't buy into the idea, the concept, or the direction, because they haven't bought into you as their leader. People have to buy into you before they buy into your plans, your vision, or your leadership.
  • Every leader will have, some time in their journey, a team that is compliant, and that team is just going to suck.
  • A committed team is, hands down, bar none, the best team that you can ever have as a leader.
  • A poor idea with a compliant team is dead in the water.
  • I don't hire people who don't have something else going on outside of work. 


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Steven Worthy Leadership and Podcast Coach

Steve Worthy is a podcasting veteran; he began in 2007 with By Husbands For Husbands, a podcast and business focused on helping entrepreneurial husbands succeed professionally and personally by balancing work and family.

Steve is a seasoned business leader with over 25 years of executive retail leadership experience. His career is focused on assisting podcasters and leaders to find their unique voice and understand how to fit within their culture to advance their podcasts and career.

Currently, as an entrepreneur, Steve teaches both novice and experienced podcasters how to live stream through his Podcasters LIVE Academy. Steve views this as the best medium for podcasters to grow and engage with their audience authentically.