1. 357-Taming the High Cost of College: Understanding the Landscape of College Tuition, Financial Aid, Loans, and Your Choices with Brad Baldridge Joshua Sheats 1:19:46

College and all of its associated costs can make a big difference in your financial situation. 

Today, I’ve invited Brad Baldridge on the show to discuss the college planning process and the background to many of the financial decisions.

I think you’ll enjoy the interview. Be sure to stay tuned for the second half where we pull apart some strategies for making the student aid forms work to your favor.



Joshua Sheats Teacher, Host, Broadcaster, Entrepreneur

Joshua J. Sheats, MSFS, is the world's leading authority on integrating lifestyle goals and money goals without conflict. He teaches normal people how to seamlessly connect the science of financial planning with the joy of goal achievement.

Joshua is dedicated to helping normal people achieve financial freedom by merging creative (and crazy) ideas from the world of personal finance with the academic integrity of formal financial planning. He simplifies complex money topics and makes boring financial mumbo-jumbo less boring.