1. 344-How to Go From Broke to Comfortable With a Single Move! (And What is a Junior IRA?): Interview with Mr. and Mrs. Groovy from FreedomIsGroovy.com Joshua Sheats 59:59

My guest on today’s show is Mr. Groovy, writer at the eponymous website www.FreedomIsGroovy.com 

He reached out to me and pitched me for some exposure for his idea of a Junior IRA. I accepted his request and invited him on the show.

I also thoroughly enjoyed hearing his story of getting free financially with a simple geographic move. There’s a lesson in there for many of you.

Enjoy the show!


Joshua Sheats Teacher, Host, Broadcaster, Entrepreneur

Joshua J. Sheats, MSFS, is the world's leading authority on integrating lifestyle goals and money goals without conflict. He teaches normal people how to seamlessly connect the science of financial planning with the joy of goal achievement.

Joshua is dedicated to helping normal people achieve financial freedom by merging creative (and crazy) ideas from the world of personal finance with the academic integrity of formal financial planning. He simplifies complex money topics and makes boring financial mumbo-jumbo less boring.